North Judson-San Pierre School Board Considers Metal Detector Policies

North Judson-San Pierre School officials were tasked with developing some new policies related to metal detectors.

Over the summer, a state-wide safety initiative allowed schools to apply to receive handheld metal detectors for free. Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin said that most Hoosier schools are now faced with incorporating appropriate usage rules for the new devices. Continue reading

North Judson Parents and Community Members Encouraged to Join Bluejay Strategic Planning Group

North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin issued her annual call-out for Bluejay Strategic Planning Group members at Tuesday night’s school board meeting. She provided a bit of information about what the expectations of the group are.

Zupin shared, “The purpose of the group is two-fold; one is to have positive communication between school and community but hey also are our parent and community group for all of our plans.” Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Delivers Capital Project Update

Projects at the North Judson-San Pierre Schools are coming along nicely, according to Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin.

During the superintendent’s report Tuesday night, Dr. Zupin shared some of the progress that’s been made thus far. She said that lighting work is nearly complete, with the company pulling some of their workers at this point. The only areas that still need to be finished are the atrium and auditorium. Continue reading

NJ-SP Officials Discuss Necessary Budget Changes Due to State Policy Passed in 2017

When North Judson-San Pierre school board members met on Tuesday, they discussed an upcoming change that will impact how the school corporation keeps track of finances.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin reminded the board members about a House Enrolled Act (HEA 1009) passed in 2017 that will go into effect on January 1, 2019. This will impact all schools, not just NJ-SP. According to Zupin HEA 1009 will eliminate a few different accounts including the capital projects, transportation, bus replacement and general funds. Those will all be replaced with two new funds; the Education fund and the Operations fund. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Considers Salaries and Contracts

When North Judson-San Pierre school board members met Tuesday night, various contracts and salaries were up for approval.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin shared that the non-certified salary schedule was updated to include $8 per hour as the starting rate and the number of categories listed was reduced in order to make payroll and HR matters less complicated. Continue reading

NJSP Superintendent Highlights A Few Important Dates at School Board Meeting

A special work session was scheduled for April 4th when North Judson San Pierre School Board members met Tuesday night.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin stated that during the work session, members are expected to discuss corporation plans including technology, wellness, accountability and strategic plans.

Zupin said members will also cover details about a proposed community meeting where information about graduation pathways, school accountability and legislative issues will be shared with the public. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Members Provide Annual Approval for Reduction of Force Notifications, None Sent So Far

North Judson-San Pierre School Board members approved the notification of a reduction in force, should the need arise, when they met Tuesday night.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin explained that this is an action that is approved yearly that permits school board members to notify staff if reductions need to be made. Their approval of the action also dictates that they will follow state-mandated procedures. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre Officials Consider Implementing eLearning

Officials at North Judson-San Pierre schools are discussing the possibility of implementing eLearning in the future.

During Tuesday night’s school board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin told board members that with the number of snow days and delays recently, some teachers and community members have been asking about bringing eLearning to NJ-SP Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Approves Contractors for Lease Project

North Judson-San Pierre School Board members awarded several contracts for the corporation’s Lease Project when they met Tuesday evening.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin explained that when bids were opened in January, they discovered that they came in under budget. This will allow the corporation to move forward with some of their alternate bids which included upgrades to the baseball and softball fields, stairwell renovations, roofing and lighting work.

Zupin added that they will also be able to have signage installed on route 10 to inform motorists they’re nearing the NJSP campus. She said it will be an electronic sign where they will be able to put various school information and community announcements. Continue reading