Races are almost set for town elections in North Judson and Medaryville. Thursday was the filing deadline for towns that didn’t have a May primary.
Continue readingRaces are almost set for town elections in North Judson and Medaryville. Thursday was the filing deadline for towns that didn’t have a May primary.
Continue readingNorth Judson Councilwoman Jane Ellen Felchuck took a moment during Monday night’s council meeting to express her gratitude toward a town employee for their assistance with a recent project.
When it came time to discuss additional business deemed necessary by the council, Felchuck thanked Town Billing Clerk Jennifer Vanek for helping with a census-related report that needed to be submitted. Continue reading
North Judson Town Council members will discuss this year’s Mint Festival when they meet tonight at 6:30 p.m. in North Judson Town Hall.
Department heads will report on any relevant updates and there will be time set aside for guest recognition and any additional business deemed necessary by the council.
Additionally, Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe, Vice President John Rowe and Council members James Young and Jane Ellen Felchuck attended a meeting at the Starke County Economic Development Foundation on Thursday. Continue reading
North Judson Town Council members are considering what to do at Highland Cemetery now that space is becoming limited.
Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe alerted council members last week that there are only about 12 to 20 grave spaces remaining at Highland Cemetery.
He noted that if they were to cross a highway or county road, a whole new cemetery would have to be established so they’re looking into the possibility of land acquisition. Continue reading
North Judson Building Inspector Jeff Abrams appeared before the town council requesting to establish a permit for gas line inspections when members met Monday.
“When there is a house vacated and the gas has been shut off, Nipsco wants an inspection done so I think that we should be able to charge for that because I have to go out and look at it.” He explained, “They have to do a pressure test it and it has to hold pressure for a day.” Continue reading
An ordinance amending the approved 2018 salary ordinance was considered on first reading during Monday night’s North Judson Town Council meeting.
When the town council members passed the salary ordinance back in January, it included a 3 percent raise across the board, except for Town Marshal Kelly Fisher who forfeited her raise to supplement the raises of her officers.
In the initial ordinance, town council members were included in the individuals who would receive the raise. However, Town Attorney Justin Schramm said that due to when the ordinance was passed, that raise could potentially be seen as questionable by state officials. Continue reading