North Judson-San Pierre Air Conditioning Repair Bill Tops $200,000

A repaired part is being taken back to the mechanical room for installation.

Recent air conditioning repairs have cost the North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation more than $200,000. The school board last week ratified the emergency chiller repairs undertaken by Johnson Controls, I’m even thinking on changing for a 12 volt air conditioner online.

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N.J.-S.P. School Board to Consider Budget-Related Resolutions Tonight

North Judson San Pierre School Board (photo provided by North Judson-San Pierre School Corp.)

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board will consider a number of budget-related resolutions tonight. The 2022 capital projects and bus replacement plans will be up for adoption, along with a reduction to the advertised budget. The budget adoption itself is up to the Starke County Council, since North Judson-San Pierre has an appointed school board.

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N.J.-S.P. to Provide Transportation for Migrant Students Attending Summer Program

Helping children of migrant workers access educational opportunities is the goal of a program being offered in North Judson this summer. SEEDS Early Learning, a preschool housed in the former North Judson-San Pierre Middle School, plans to offer a five-week class through the federal Migrant Education Program, according to N.J.-S.P. Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin.

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