North Judson Council Addresses Potential Cell Tower Law


The North Judson Town Council on Saturday hurriedly passed a resolution to prohibit small cell phone towers from cropping up within their rights of way. It establishes an underground and buried utility district to restrict the addition of any sort of new pole insidethe town limits without council permission. A petition must be brought before the town council, and a public hearing is required. Continue reading

North Judson Town Marshal Appeals Termination

North Judson Town Marshal John Ramos and Officer Frank Thomas

North Judson’s recently terminated town marshal has filed a formal appeal of his firing. The town council fired John Ramos during a special-called meeting on Friday, April 21. He had until 5 p.m. the following Friday to appeal. Town council members did not publicly announce a reason for Raoms’ dismissal. Continue reading

Communities Scrambling to Maintain Restrictions on Small Cell Towers

culver town hall

Indiana communities are worried cell towers could start popping up without their permission, under a measure recently passed by the state legislature, unless they take action by this Sunday. Now, municipalities around the state are scrambling to meet the deadline. The North Judson Town Council will meet in special session this morning at 7:30, while the Culver Town Council met yesterday afternoon. Continue reading

North Judson Town Marshal Fired

North Judson Town Marshal John Ramos and Officer Frank Thomas

North Judson may soon be looking for a new town marshal. John Ramos was terminated by the town council during a special session Friday, according to Clerk-Treasurer Alicia Collins. She says council members did not publicly announce a reason for his dismissal. Continue reading

North Judson Council Considers Funding Options for Infrastructure Projects

The North Judson Town Council continues gathering information about how to pay for potential water and wastewater upgrades. Commonwealth Engineers is suggesting nearly $1.9 million in improvements to the town’s combined sewer overflow system and another $1.5 million for upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant. Water infrastructure upgrades are also planned. Continue reading