A grocery store put up for sale in March of this year may be taking another step.
Whether the deal goes through for the store’s purchase, however, may be influenced by the North Judson Town Council. Ray’s Super Foods operated in North Judson for the past 18 years, but the owners announced in an advertisement that they intended to “make a change.” Continue reading →
The Town of North Judson will be able to leverage grant money for sidewalk and ramp replacement as part of their ADA improvement plan. Town board members approved a contract with consulting firm Fleis and Vandenbrink to assist with that project. The town’s plan calls for sidewalks to be replaced in 2015 and 2016 as funds allow. However, the 80-20 matching grant will allow the town to stretch its resources. The process is in the very early planning stages, and there’s no timeline yet for when work will be done. Continue reading →
The North Judson Town Council received an update on the new location of the town offices this week. The First Farmers Bank and Trust building on Lane Street was donated to the town back in August where it has been under reconstruction. The building will house the water department, clerk treasurer’s office and serve as meeting space for the town council. Continue reading →
The North Judson Town Council received an update on the new location of the town offices this week. The First Farmers Bank and Trust building on Lane Street was donated to the town back in August where it has been under reconstruction. Continue reading →
The North Judson Town Council held a special meeting to review the different insurance group plans presented by Anthem and United Health Care yesterday morning. Every year renewals are required on insurance for the town. Continue reading →
The sink hole on Sheridan Street in North Judson has been repaired. The barricades were removed Tuesday morning according to North Judson Town Clerk Donna Henry. Continue reading →
The North Judson town council members will have two ordinances to take action on when they meet tonight.
An ordinance establishing responsible and responsive bidder requirements on public works projects will be up for review while the third reading of the salary ordinance will be up for adoption.
A vacancy on the park board will need to be filled by the council.
The North Judson Town offices will soon be in a new location. The town council has finalized paperwork on the former First Farmers Bank and Trust building on Lane Street that was donated to the town back in August. The plan is to be moved in to the new town hall by the end of the year. It will house the water department and clerk treasurer’s offices and serve as meeting space for the town council. It will provide more space for the employees and for meeting purposes. Continue reading →
The North Judson Town Council will hold a public hearing for the budget tonight at 6 p.m. CT in the community center. If anyone has any comment on the 2015 budget, those remarks will be heard during that time.
The North Judson Town Council announced that the new town maintenance building is complete. An open house for the public to visit the new building is scheduled Thursday Sept. 25th from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at 710 Railroad Street.
In other news from North Judson, lightning from the Aug. 21st storm caused some damage at the water, police and town office buildings. Some equipment needs to be replaced, and that information will be turned in to the town’s insurance company. Town Marshal Doug Vessely also submitted quotes to replace computers in the police vehicles. Of the $4,430 cost $2000 will come from the police training account and $2,430 will come from the rainy day fund. The council also approved a purchase order for the park to remove seven trees and stumps for a total of $1,400.
he North Judson Town Council members held discussion on a number of topics during their Monday meeting.
Town Superintendent Marshall Horstmann told the council members the new maintenance building should be completed by the end of the month. The project was to be complete a few months ago, but the weather and other unforeseen circumstances delayed the start of the project until late March. The town employees have been working on the building’s interior.
North Judson will soon have a new town hall. First Farmers Bank and Trust has offered their former bank building and properties on Lane Street as a donation to the town. The council voted unanimously to accept that offer Monday night. Continue reading →
Members of the North Judson Town Council will meet Thursday, July 31 at 8 a.m. at the community center to work on the 2015 budget. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry says that meeting is open to the public. The initial hearing on the spending proposal will take place Monday, Sept. 15 at 6 p.m. at the community center. A final adoption date has not been set yet pending a non-binding review by the Starke County Council. That’s new this year and will take place sometime in October. Starke County is part of a pilot program for that process.
The North Judson Town Council members approved the purchase of a new fire truck for the North Judson-Wayne Township Fire Department.
According to Fire Chief Joe Leszek, the department will be purchasing a used KME pumper truck with a five-man cab. The truck will be the first truck out on structure fires and auto accidents.
The North Judson Town Council is expected to vote on a social media policy for employees when they meet on Monday, May 19. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry tells WKVI News it’s a new addition to the employee handbook. Councilman Tim Cummins has been working to revise and update it. The changes are mostly clarifications of things like how vacation time is earned. Once the policy is adopted, the handbook will be reprinted and given to town employees.
The council is also revising the contractors permit ordinance, with a first reading set for their mid-month meeting. They also acknowledged the park board’s recent hiring of Bill Hemphill as the seasonal caretaker for the town park. Town council members also set Aug. 9 as the date for this year’s town-wide yard sale. Henry says more information about permits and other requirements will be provided closer to that date. The exterior of the new maintenance building is finished, and the interior should be complete by the end of the month.
The North Judson Town Council is beefing up its ordinance regarding unsafe structures. The revised ordinance passed on first reading last week contains appropriate references to Indiana code and spells out the building inspector’s authority to take action when a property is deemed unsafe. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry tells WKVI News the second and third readings of the proposed ordinance will take place at the next town council meeting on Monday, Nov. 4.
The North Judson Town Council has opted for a lease-purchase arrangement to build a new town garage. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry says they’re working with First Farmers Bank and Trust on the financing for the project. Town officials previously obtained the 50 necessary signatures in support of the project. The next step is to hold a public hearing. It’s scheduled Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 8 a.m. at the North Judson Community Center.
The North Judson Police Station and Civic Center will soon have a new heating and air conditioning unit. The town council received two quotes to replace the existing unit and awarded the job to Jackson Refrigeration. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry says their price of $5,684.92 was the lower. That unit will be replaced soon.
The North Judson Town Council members approved the first reading of an amended mowing ordinance Monday night.
The ordinance states that any grass, weeds or natural growth on any yard or lot shall not exceed eight inches in height. If a homeowner or renter allows the growth to exceed a height of eight inches, a citation will be issued. A notification will be sent to first time violators that gives them a time period of 10 days to mow the property. If compliance is not made within that time, town crews will perform the mowing and a lien in the amount of $250 will be placed against the owner’s property. A homeowner/renter will be sent only one notice per season. For second and additional violations per season, notice will be provided per Indiana Code.