Fireworks Safety Tips for Residents and Display Operators

Independence Day is just around the corner and there’s a chance you or your neighbors may have already broken out the fireworks. There’s nothing wrong with celebrating a little early, as long as you’re doing it safely.

In 2017, there were more than 90 fireworks-related injuries reported in Indiana on the Fourth of July, with one-third of those involving someone under the age of 18. Indiana Fire Marshal Jim Greeson has a few tips to ensure that preventable accidents don’t ruin your holiday. Continue reading

New Safety App Features Heat Index Level


The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration now offers a Smartphone app that allows employees who primarily work outdoors to calculate the heat index. This will allow you to judge the conditions at a worksite.

The app can be tailored to your own purpose and will display a risk level associated with that particular heat index reading. Continue reading