Christmas stocking care packages will be sent to military members serving overseas this year thanks to Operation Quiet Comfort of Marshall County. They are asking for $10 donations to fill stockings with a beef stick, granola bar, hand and toe warmers, a pair of white socks, assorted seasonal goodies and special written holiday cards from members of the nonprofit organization. Continue reading →
Christmas stocking care packages will be sent to military members serving overseas this year thanks to Operation Quiet Comfort of Marshall County. You can assist in the effort by making a donation to help fill a stocking. Continue reading →
Representatives of the Operation Quiet Comfort organization in Marshall County are headed to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center where a Four Freedoms Gratitude Quilt will be presented to officials.
Peggy Reynolds said a block from all of the 50 states are represented. A message from all of the Operation Quiet Comfort organizations around the United States are on a denim block. Those blocks were sewn and quilted by a woman from Marshall County.
Operation Quiet Comfort was a huge success this week in Plymouth. The fundraiser attracted over 300 people to the Memories Reception Hall for dinner and a program.
The speaker for the evening was Jan Houin who told the story of the organization which is part of a larger nationwide group, whose purpose is to provide blankets, clothing items and other articles of comfort in a care-type package to wounded soldiers.
The event raised $5000.
In her presentation, Houin read letters from servicemen who had received the articles from Plymouth, including one soldier who had lost an arm in battle saying he most appreciated the “warm socks.” Another commented on how the “blocks”
on the homemade blankets had lifted her spirits during a long recovery period.
On the “blocks” were messages of appreciation for their service to their country, and how a grateful nation has them in their thoughts and prayers
Also honored was the medical staff that tends to the needs of the injured.
Houin thanked all who attended and supported the organization.
If you are interested in the efforts of Operation Quiet Comfort, you are invited to a “Celebrate and Support our Troops Night” tonight at the Memories Reception Hall in Plymouth. Tickets are $15.00 and all money goes to the Operation Quiet Comfort activities.
The Memories Reception Hall at 401 East Jefferson Street in Plymouth will be the site of a Celebrate and Support Our Troops event Thursday, April 19th.
Jan Houin, from Operation Quiet Comfort, tells us about the organization and the event.