Pulaski County Commissioners Approve Highway Department Equipment Replacement

Pulaski County Commissioners (L to R) Bud Krohn, Jr., Terry Young and Larry Brady
Pulaski County Commissioners (L to R) Bud Krohn, Jr., Terry Young and Larry Brady

The Pulaski County Commissioners have approved the replacement of a piece of equipment for the county’s Highway Department. During Monday’s Commissioners meeting, Highway Superintendent Terry Ruff asked for the commissioners’ approval to replace a broken repeater, part of the radio system used to communicate with the department’s trucks. Continue reading

Monterey Official Hopeful Downtown Streets Can Reopen

Sportsmans 1
A new, stronger fence around the former Sportsman’s Bar and Grill should allow Main and portions of Walnut Streets in downtown Monterey to reopen later today. WKVI News file photo

A new fence around a collapsed building in downtown Monterey should be in place by this evening. Monterey Town Councilman Doug Denton says the Pulaski County Building Inspector advised a chain link-type fence will be placed around the rubble from the former Sportsman’s Lounge at the southeast corner of Main and Walnut Streets. Continue reading

County Home Rezoning Pursued for Easier Marketing

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

Plans to make the former Pleasant View Rest Home easier to sell are in the works following Monday night’s Pulaski County Commissioners meeting.

The property ceased operations about one year ago for several reasons, with the property put up for sale for possible future development or renovation. In an effort to make the property easier to sell, Pulaski County is hoping to rezone the site to a residential building.
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Commissioners Approve Company to Handle Revolving Loan Applications

 Approval has been given to the Pulaski County Community Development Commission (CDC) to contract with Valparaiso-based Regional Development Company (RDC) to handle the financial administration aspect of the revolving loan fund.

Pulaski County CDC Executive Director Nathan Origer told the Pulaski County Commissioners this week that the RDC will receive the application and run a credit report plus gather personal or business tax forms. The county will then receive a credit memo as part of the process in applying for a revolving loan. The RDC will give a ranking to a committee set up by the Pulaski County CDC. Other aspects will be considered in an overall ranking which will be presented to the Commissioners for approval or denial of a loan.

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LOHUT Presentation Given to Pulaski County Council

 The Pulaski County Commissioners received information last night about a Local Option Highway User Tax (LOHUT) that can be used to construct, reconstruct, repair or maintain streets under a county, city or town jurisdiction.

Pat Conner from the Indiana Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) out of Purdue University explained that the LOHUT is made up of a surtax of the vehicle excise tax and wheel tax. The surtax and a wheel tax can be a flat rate decided by the council that will be payable at the time vehicle registration is due. If the council decides to pass the LOHUT, an ordinance would be approved, and a public hearing held to gather opinions concerning the increase.

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