Jail Equipment Installation in Progress, Pulaski County to be Reimbursed for Concrete Work

Pulaski County Commissioners (L to R) Bud Krohn, Jr., Terry Young and Larry Brady
Pulaski County Commissioners (L to R) Bud Krohn, Jr., Terry Young and Larry Brady

Pulaski County Maintenance Director Jeff Johnston gave the commissioners an update on the equipment installation at the justice center. He said the water heater will be started up today and will run for the rest of the week before the old water heater is taken offline to be sure that everything works properly. The HVAC equipment is being ordered as well as the water softeners.

Johnston said the generator for the health department has been installed but there is a small problem that he is investigating.

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Pleasant View Rest Home Closure Underway

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

Officials are moving forward with the closure of the Pleasant View Rest Home in Pulaski County.

Board President Bob White told WKVI News that attorney Jere Humphrey has called county home officials to help with the paperwork to assist in placing the residents at a different facility or find other arrangements. Humphrey was appointed by the commissioners to help with the actions necessary to close the county home.

The county council at their meeting in December approved the defunding of the county home by a majority vote at their meeting on Dec. 8.  Because funding for the county home was not included in the 2015 budget, the county commissioners approved the official close of the facility by a vote of 2-1 on Dec. 23.

The residents or their representatives will be sent a letter and they will have two weeks to notify the attorney of their plan.  Once the attorney receives the information of where the residents will be moving, the residents then have 90 days to move from the Pleasant View Rest Home.  The facility is expected to be closed on March 31.

White thanked superintendent Deb Girton and the staff for their hard work in taking care of the residents. He also recognized the board members for their efforts.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Vote to Close County Home

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

The Pulaski County Commissioners voted to close the Pleasant View Rest Home during a specially-called meeting Tuesday afternoon.

County Attorney Kevin Tankersley explained that the commissioners really didn’t have a choice since the county council voted to not include the county home in the 2015 budget.

“The council was not going to provide funding for it,” said Tankersley. “The commissioners are going to have to take over the role of closing it because quite honestly the council’s not really set up for that. This is the executive board and the statutes all contemplate that the commissioners are going to take action.”

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Pulaski County Commissioners to Discuss Closing County Home

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

The Pulaski County Commissioners will meet in special session today to address issues in closing the Pleasant View Rest Home.

By a majority vote, the Pulaski County Council voted to defund the county home in October and that decision was reaffirmed earlier this month by a majority vote.

County Attorney Kevin Tankersley informed the Pulaski County Commissioners last week that there is a lot to go through to close the facility. He met with an attorney in Plymouth last week to see if that attorney would take over the responsibility of overseeing the process as he thought that would be a better practice.

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Pulaski County Commissioner, Recycling Center Director Commended for Years of Service, Clark

Tracey Shorter and Larry Brady
Tracey Shorter and Larry Brady

Pulaski County Commissioner Tracey Shorter was recognized by Commission President Larry Brady for her years of service to the residents of Pulaski County.

Brady presented Shorter with a plaque. Shorter did not run for re-election in this year’s election for her seat on the county commission. Bud Krohn, Jr. will begin his four-year term on Jan. 1. The first meeting of the Pulaski County Commissioners in 2015 is Jan. 5.

Ed Clark gives his last report as director of the Pulaski County Recycling Center.
Ed Clark gives his last report as director of the Pulaski County Recycling Center.

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Four Bridges in Pulaski County to be Repaired


Pulaski County Highway Superintendent Mark Fox informed the commissioners this week that there are three bridges on the 12-month inspection cycle. Work will be done soon to remove them from that list.

“We’re going to place wrap underneath these bridges to correct a substructure undercutting issue and those three will be able to be removed from that 12 month inspection cycle once we complete that,” stated Fox.

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Pulaski County Attorney to Hold Meeting with Counsel to Discuss County Home

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

A meeting is set for today to move forward with the closure of the Pleasant View Rest Home in Pulaski County.

Pulaski County Attorney Kevin Tankersley will be meeting with an attorney in Plymouth to discuss the matter and to see if the attorney would be willing to take over legal issues in the closure of the county home. Tankersley will not be taking over the legal issues in this matter as it was thought an outside agency would be a better choice in the process. If the attorney agrees to work with the county, the commissioners would need to approve a retainer for the attorney’s services.

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Pulaski County EMA Director Gets Grant to Purchase Equipment


Pulaski County EMA Director Larry Hoover presented the commissioners Monday night with paperwork for an EMPG grant worth $8,485.29.

Hoover told WKVI News that he will be using the grant money to purchase rescue equipment. The piece of equipment that will be the most costly is a trailer in which to house the equipment. He plans on purchasing heavy lifting air bags and other equipment needed to aid workers in emergency situations.

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Pulaski County CDC Director to Meet with Legislators about CAGIT Issue

Pulaski County Justice Center
Pulaski County Justice Center

Pulaski County Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer will meet with Senator Ed Charbonneau and State Representative Doug Gutwein next week to talk about the CAGIT tax issue.

Origer will talk with the legislators about changing legislature to require that the special CAGIT tax be used to pay the jail lease instead of that money coming from the CEDIT fund as legislation currently reads. Origer argues that the CEDIT fund should be used for economic development projects and not for the jail lease.

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Handful of Pulaski County Offices to Close Early for Christmas

Pulaski County CourthouseThe Pulaski County Commissioners denied a request from Auditor Shelia Garling to withdraw a former appeal to close offices early on Christmas Eve.

Garling had made the request in an earlier meeting as she had gotten some feedback from fellow department heads asking to close the office early to accommodate plans for Christmas. The commissioners approved the request with the understanding that the workers who leave early use remaining PTO time or forego those hours.

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Pulaski County CDC Director Gives CAGIT Tax Update to Commissioners

Pulaski County Justice Center
Pulaski County Justice Center

Pulaski County Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer gave the commissioners an update on his discussions surrounding the changes in the CAGIT tax with the local legislators.

Origer had approached the commissioners at their earlier November meeting for support in overturning legislation to free up money for the CEDIT fund for economic development. He believes that the special CAGIT tax should be used to help pay the jail lease instead of the CEDIT fund. Origer argued that the CEDIT fund should be used for economic development projects and not just the jail lease. To do this, Origer needs to approach local legislators to change legislation allowing language to change the law to reflect his request.

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Pulaski County EMS Director Still Looking for Paramedics


Pulaski County EMS Director Nikki Lowry told the commissioners Monday night that she has hired seven part-time personnel to help with the shortage of staff and training is ongoing this week.

While that helps cover shifts, Lowry explained that only one of those hired is a paramedic. All of the other new hires are basic life service trained only. One may move to a full-time position. She said at least one paramedic is needed per shift and there is one on each shift now.

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Radioville Bowling Alley Owner Granted Demolition Extension


The old bowling alley in Radioville will soon be demolished.

Pulaski County Building Administrator David Dare explained to the commissioners last night that the structure is unsafe as the roof has caved in and the building can’t be salvaged. According to the demolition order, the building must be demolished by Dec. 30.

Bruder explained that she has some circumstances that won’t allow her to get the building torn down in that timeframe. She noted that the Countryside Bowling Lanes, Inc. is in her name but she needs to work out details with the other owners of the building which hasn’t been occupied in many years.

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Questions Answered about County Home’s Historical Register Nomination

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

The Pulaski County Commissioners and the Pulaski County Council met in joint session last night that included a presentation by members of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Historical Preservation and Archaeology. Paul Diebold, who is a member of the committee, answered many questions concerning the historic eligibility of the Pleasant View Rest Home.

Janet Onken from the Pulaski County Historical Society submitted a 31-page application to the DNR Historical Preservation and Archaeology in order to nominate the county home as a historic structure.

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Joint Session Scheduled Tonight to Discuss Historic Status of County Home

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

A joint meeting of the Pulaski County Commissioners and the Pulaski County Council is scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. ET to discuss the historic landmark status of the Pleasant View Rest Home. Members of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology will be in attendance taking brief public comments about the designation of the facility as a historic structure.

The DNR members had received 27 letters in the support of the designation in a previous meeting and decided to meet with residents to further investigate opinions regarding the structure.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Approve Certificate Sale


The Pulaski County Commissioners heard a presentation from Glenn Luedtke from SRI about a certificate sale the commissioners can hold to sell properties that have been on the tax sales for several years.

“It allows the commissioners to sell these properties at a price less than what they were offered for at the regular sale. When these properties go through several sales, you have a situation or the indenture of the taxes and liens succeed the value of the property. This gives you an opportunity to lower that price to lower it again,” explained Luedtke.

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Pulaski County Commissioners to Review Courthouse Repairs after New Year

Pulaski County CourthouseRepairs needed to the Pulaski County Courthouse structure will be determined after the first of the year.

Maintenance Director Jeff Johnston brought up the issue after an assessment was received about masonry repairs at the courthouse last month. The limestone needs to be repaired around the perimeter of the courthouse as it has come apart. Mortar joints were found to be defective, eroded or missing. The stairs also need to be repaired.

The base quote given for repairs were just over $83,600.

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