Pulaski County County Commissioners Receive Update on Zoning Ordinances


The executive director of the Pulaski County Community Development Commission updated the county commissioners this week on plans to revamp the zoning ordinances.

Nathan Origer explained that the county council approved the transfer of funds from the CDC land acquisition account for the project and plans are progressing.

“Once I have the CDC’s formal approval and the plan commission’s formal recommendation to the commissioners, I will bring it to you. I will get a copy to you in advance as soon as we tweak any details. I sent a list of minor concerns to the company that has submitted the proposal. They don’t anticipate starting the project until mid-November and finishing in early spring. We are still negotiating with Francesville and Winamac to see if either of them want to adopt that same ordinance so that even though they’ll retain their same jurisdictions the rules will be the same across the county,” said Origer.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Approve Purchase of New Ambulance


The Pulaski County Commissioners approved a quote for a new ambulance during their meeting on Monday night.

EMS officials announced last week that the ambulance damaged from a February fire and subsequently repaired did not pass state inspection so it was totaled by the insurance company.

During this week’s meeting, EMS Director Nikki Lowry presented the commissioners with four quotes for a new ambulance. They approved a quote from Arrow in the amount of $130,700. Since the insurance company totaled the truck, an $82,000 settlement will go toward the purchase of a new ambulance.

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Pulaski County Commissioner Voices Support for County Home

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

A lot of discussion has been held on the County Home in Pulaski County in the past couple of months, especially since a preliminary study was released concerning structural issues that plague the rather dated facility.

Recent discussion held during a joint meeting of the county commissioners and the county council focused on three solutions to remedy the situation: closing down the county home, remodeling the county home or building a new structure.

No government officials have made a decision on what the future holds for the County Home, but there are some immediate repairs that need to be done to keep the building from further deterioration.

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Pulaski County Commissioners, Council Discuss County Home


The Pulaski County commissioners and the county council met in joint session last night where one of the topics was the future of the county home.

In previous meetings this year, Maintenance Director Jeff Johnston presented the county boards with a preliminary structural condition assessment of the county home conducted by American Structurepoint, Inc. The repairs needed are extensive and are estimated between $500,000 to $1 million. With that, the government entities are wondering what should be done.

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Refurbished Pulaski County Ambulance Totaled


The Pulaski County EMS staff members are looking for a new ambulance as the refurbished ambulance can not be certified.

The ambulance was damaged in a fire at Wagner Performance Diesel Repair near Star City on Feb. 7. In the last meeting of the Pulaski County Commissioners, it was reported by the county’s insurance agency that Wagner’s insurance company has accepted responsibility for the fire.

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Maintenance Director Discusses Justice Center, Annex Issues with Commissioners


The Pulaski County Commissioners gave the maintenance director permission to seek an additional appropriation from the county council to replace the aging equipment at the Pulaski County Justice Center.

Some of the equipment is already starting to fail, according to Jeff Johnston. He said he’d like to take care of the equipment while there is money yet in this year’s budget.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Discuss Attorney’s Contract

Pulaski County CourthousePulaski County attorney Kevin Tankersley presented his 2015 contract to the commissioners for review.

He explained that his rate is $150 an hour and is paid a quarterly retainer of $1,500. He said the legal issues of the county are not easy to undertake and requires time to devote to make sure the law is followed. He also acts as a human resources director to some department heads who need employee-based questions answered.

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Pulaski County Highway Superintendent Provides Update to Commissioners

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Terry Young and Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Terry Young and Tracey Shorter

The Pulaski County Commissioners heard from Highway Superintendent Mark Fox on how projects are coming along this summer.

Fox explained that crews are done mowing and and grading is now being completed. Road work, including paving, is about two-thirds finished. He’s searching for a new engine for one of the dump trucks as the original motor recently expired.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Discuss Budget Issues

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Terry Young and Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Terry Young and Tracey Shorter

The Pulaski County Commissioners approved the recommendation by Auditor Shelia Garling to properly transfer money to a line item in the budget to cover attorneys fees for the rest of the year.

Garling explained that she fears there isn’t enough money budgeted for the rest of the year to cover the amount of claims that County Attorney Kevin Tankersley has been submitting.

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Pulaski County Commissioners, Council Discuss Airport Manager

 The Pulaski County Commissioners and the county council members met in a special joint session Monday afternoon to discuss a change in operations at the airport.

County Attorney Kevin Tankersley told the joint board that it was brought to his attention that Airport Manager Bud Wagner has several pieces of equipment in his name at the airport that are being used for work. He pays for the fuel and is paid back as pilots fuel planes. The landline telephone is also in his name as well as the internet service. Wagner is also not employed by the county.

While this is already against normal policy, he’s not being reimbursed for the use of these items.

Tankersley asked the joint board to make sure that he is an employee and that he receives benefits like all other employees. He also suggested that the county or the airport board purchase those items that Bud owns that are in use at the airport or buy items that are county owned. Tankersley also suggested that the airport pay for the fuel and create an account for the fuel in the county’s name.

The commissioners approved a motion to make Bud Wagner an employee. He will work 35 hours a week and receive benefits. The council will decide what to do with the equipment purchases. The council members will discuss what to do to adjust the airport budget to reflect these changes.

Pulaski County Commissioners Approve Resolutions

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Terry Young and Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Terry Young and Tracey Shorter

The Pulaski County Commissioners approved two resolutions during their meeting this week.

The board of commissioners revised the minimum spending limit for several departments and a resolution was approved reflecting those changes. The prosecutor’s office, Pulaski Superior Court, Pulaski Circuit Court, maintenance department, health department, sheriff’s department, highway department, county home, CDC office, EMA, and EMS will now have a spending minimum of $2,500. The recycling center has a minimum of $1,000. All other departments are at $500.

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Pulaski County Commissioners to Have Generator Information on July 7

Pulaski County CourthouseThe Director of Maintenance for Pulaski County gave an update on the generator situation to the commissioners Monday night.

Jeff Johnston has talked with officials with Hyre Electric out of Valparaiso to give him details about connectors to hook up generators to the courthouse, annex, county home, recycling center and highway department. He’s also gathering information whether or not what the county has is sufficient enough to work or if generators will need to be purchased.

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