Pulaski Commissioners Approve Grant for Health Department

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
The Pulaski County Commissioners at their regular meeting this week approved a request from Sherry Fagner of the health department to use a state grant and explained to the commissioners that she received the state’s approval last week for the grant in the amount of $15,000.

Fagner explained the grant will be used to support the coroner’s efforts, to purchase items like bodybags, toe tags, mobile printers to be used in the field, GPS units and other items.

Commissioner Larry Brady made a motion to approve her request. Terry Young seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Medaryville Firefighters Seek Grant for New Fire Station


The Pulaski County Commissioners agreed to back the Medaryville Fire Department in their quest to receive a grant for a new fire department/community center.

Fire Chief Shaun Hauptli told WKVI that they are seeking a $400,000 grant to build a new fire house which can also be used as a community center for town events. He added that they are in the very first stages of the process and will have more solid details this week after meeting with an architect.

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Pulaski County Surveyor Not in Favor of Move


Pulaski County Surveyor Jenny Keller appeared before the commissioners Monday night to discuss the move to the highway garage.

Keller told WKVI that she wanted the commissioners to know her feelings and the feelings of those in the office about the idea of moving from their space in the courthouse out to the county highway garage. She is not in favor of the move and had expressed that opinion to the commissioners in previous talks on the issue.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Approve Polling Place Changes


Polling places for voters in Pulaski County will be streamlined during the upcoming election following action by the county commissioners. They adopted the election commission’s recommendation to make the county highway garage on U.S. 35 north of downtown Winamac the polling place for all four Monroe Township precincts. The commissioners also combined the Indian Creek, Harrison and Van Buren Township precincts into one location. Residents of all three will vote in Star City at the community center. The voting machines purchased by the county several years ago will easily accommodate this consolidation, as they can be set for each individual voter. The consolidation also means the county will need fewer Election Day poll workers. Continue reading

Security Plan to be Developed for Pulaski County Courthouse


Pulaski County Circuit Court Judge Michael Shurn discussed the development of a security plan for the safety of those in the courthouse during business hours.

It has been suggested that a security plan be put in place. Judge Shurn told the commissioners that he will soon be putting together a plan in order to not only keep his court secure, but protect the visiting citizens as well.

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Pulaski Commissioners to Discuss Property Boundary Issue in Town of Pulaski

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
The Pulaski County Commissioners will soon meet in an executive session to meet and discuss a situation regarding a property boundary conflict in the town of Pulaski. Brittany Tetzloff approached the commissioners and explained that an alley near her property had been ripped out by her neighbor who believed the alley was on his property, and he wished to build a fence. However, Tetzloff explained, the alley was really a 40-foot road that was originally built to accommodate the school, and by removing it, the other landowner has limited her ability to access her garage.

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Monterey Bridge Project Relocation Expense Deadline Now Expired

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
The deadline for relocation expenses stemming from the Monterey Bridge construction project has come and gone, according to United Consulting’s Jeff Larrison. He told the county commissioners that he received a notice explaining the the deadline has passed and some expenses still had not been turned in, raising the question of whether or not the commissioners would like to still allow those expenses to be filed.

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Pulaski County Assessor’s, Surveyor’s Offices to Relocate


Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter

A visit from the state fire marshal has spurred the move of the Pulaski County Assessor’s Office, as the county commissioners last night passed a motion to move the assessor into the office in the courthouse currently held by the county surveyor, who would be relocated to the county highway garage. The commissioners also approved a motion to seek estimates on constructing an office in the highway garage, which currently has a lot of space but no unoccupied offices. 

Assessor Holly VanDerAa told the commissioners that the fire marshal visited her office and advised her that the tables located in the hallway were unacceptable and that the office’s counter is also infringing on the distance to the hallway. Because the office is so cramped, VanDerAa said they have had to use the tables in the hallway in order to deal with taxpayers. Continue reading

Pulaski County Assessor’s, Surveyor’s Offices to Relocate

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
A visit from the fire marshal has spurred the move of the Pulaski County Assessor’s Office, as the county commissioners last night passed a motion to move the assessor into the office currently held by the county surveyor, who would be relocated to the county highway garage. The commissioners also approved a motion to seek estimates on constructing an office in the highway garage, which currently has a lot of space but no unoccupied offices.

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Pulaski County EMS Seeks Additional Part-Time Employees

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County EMS Director Nikki Lowry has the blessing of the county commissioners to add more part-time employees to her roster in order to adequately staff the service. Right now the county has three full-time and three part-time paramedics. Lowry says they are stretched thin trying to make sure all shifts are covered and the state’s requirement of having a paramedic on duty 24/7 is met. The service is subject to hefty fines if the state mandate is not met. The county commissioners told Lowry to go ahead and advertise for more part-time paramedics and said adding them to the on-call rotation will not be a problem as long as she has money in her budget to pay their wages.

Pulaski County Commissioners Authorize Demolition of Old Highway Garage

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter

The former Pulaski County Highway Garage next to the recycling and transfer station will soon be reduced to a pile of rubble. The county commissioners Monday authorized county attorney Kevin Tankersley to send a notice to quit to Fletcher Well Drilling giving them 30 days to vacate the building directly behind the old county highway garage because that building was also deemed unsafe and no longer fit for their occupancy.

The company has paid the county $500 per month to use the space for the past several years, but no formal lease agreement has surfaced. As a result of their at-will tenant status, Tankersley says the 30 day notice will be adequate. The county maintenance supervisor has deemed the building beyond repair.

The highway garage, however, is expected to soon be demolished. The gas service was recently disconnected and capped off at the street. While the building occupied by Fletcher Well Drilling is not up for demolition, the county deemed it a hazard and not worth repairing, and because of liability concerns, the county is asking the company to vacate the building.

Pulaski County Commissioners Name Interim County Home Director

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pleasant View Rest Home in Pulaski County has a new interim director and a new set of live-in caretakers. The Pulaski County Commissioners appointed Charlene Spence to oversee the county home until a full-time replacement for Sandy Hurd can be hired. She was recently fired after a suspension and investigation into the reported misrepresentation of information to the state. Spence already works part-time at Pleasant View and will continue to be part-time during the interim period. Her hourly wage will remain $13.

The commissioners also approved the hiring of Christy and Justin Chapman to serve as live-in caretakers at the facility after the previous caretaker was released from his contract due to reported violations.

Pulaski Commissioners Approve Bridge Inspection Bid

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
The Pulaski County Commissioners on Monday approved a bid for underwater inspections to be performed on Bridge 268 to determine the condition of the structure in the waterway. The commissioners previously opened the bids in August, allowing time for the bids to be reviewed by the highway superintendent.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Approve Hog Farm Rezoning

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Following the Pulaski County Advisory Plan Commission’s conditional approval for a rezoning request to allow for a proposed confined hog feeding operation near 200 North and 400 West, the Pulaski County Commissioners handed down their decision in the matter last night. The Advisory Plan Commission approved the request pending approval from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and improvements at the intersection of 200 North and 400 West.

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Pulaski County EMS Department Looking Into Mobile LifeLine App

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter

The Pulaski County EMS Department may soon be taking advantage of a free smartphone app to help lessen the burden on dispatchers in incidents requiring medical airlift support. Nikki Lowry, EMS director for the county, told the commissioners that there is a new app available to allow responders at the scene to call for a helicopter based on dispatch information. The app only requires a written agreement between the county and a medical helicopter provider such as Samaritan or LifeLine.

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Pulaski Commissioners Approve Motion Increasing Recyclable Receiving Costs

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
The Pulaski County Commissioners this week approved a motion at the request of recycling center director Ed Clark to increase the price for receiving goods at the transfer station by one cent per pound after Clark explained the price has not been raised in roughly six years. He said he doesn’t expect to see any problems with raising the cost because landfills are also raising their price, and this just levels the field.

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Pulaski Commissioners Open Bids for Bridge 268 Repairs

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
The Pulaski County Commissioners this week opened bids for repairs on Bridge 268, with costs ranging from as low as $169,999.99 to $312,903.27. According to highway superintendent Mark Fox, the work needs to be done this fall.

American Contracting Service offered a bid of $302,515.20, while LaPorte Construction submitted a bid for $181,102.35. Jack Isom Construction sent in a bid for $169,999.99, JCI Bridge Group submitted one for $176,527.32, and Yates Construction entered their bid for $312.903.27. Rieth-Riley Construction entered a bid of $299,988.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Approve “Extraordinary Indiana” Expense

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
After the Pulaski County Council last week approved the advertisement of a $10,000 expense to feature the county in a PBS program, the second PBS program Nathan Origer, executive director of the Economic Development Commission, has brought to the council. Previously, Origer received approval for a $10,000 expense to feature the county in a program aimed at promoting tourism for counties in Indiana.

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Pulaski County Commissioner Appointed as Supervisor Over Rest Home

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
The Pulaski County Commissioners during a joint meeting with the County Council this week approved a motion appointing Commissioner Tracey Shorter to oversee the county rest home. According to Shorter, the commissioners are following the trend of other counties in appointing commissioners over various departments in order to more quickly resolve issues.

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Pulaski County Council to Advertise $10,000 Add’l Appropriation for PBS Program

After the Pulaski County Commissioners approved a $10,000 expense to feature the county in a PBS program aimed at promoting tourism for counties in Indiana, Nathan Origer, executive director of the Economic Development Commission, appeared before the county council this week and mentioned another program that may benefit the county. Origer said “Extraordinary Indiana,” another PBS program, differs from “Savor Indiana” in the fact that it focuses more on economic growth in the county, rather than tourism.

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