Pulaski County Commissioners, Council to Discuss Highway Superintendent Position


The Pulaski County Commissioners approved the action of interviewing candidates for the position of highway superintendent, but the position is not yet open.

The commissioners were notified that Superintendent Mark Fox may submit his letter of resignation last week, but that letter has not been filed with the Pulaski County Auditor’s office, according to Auditor Shelia Garling.

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Pulaski County Department Heads, Employees to Partake in Training


Personnel policy handbook training sessions for department heads and employees in Pulaski County are scheduled for this month.

County Attorney Kevin Tankersley explained to the commissioners last week that a revision is complete which provides more detail and required forms. Workers compensation, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) information, overtime, and more is included in the 98-page document. Tankersley said the new manual is more user-friendly. A policy has been in place in Pulaski County since 2012.

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Pleasant View Rest Home Operations to Cease Tomorrow

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

The last day of operations at the Pleasant View Rest Home in Winamac is tomorrow.

Operations are coming to an end after the Pulaski County Council made a decision in October of 2014 to not include funding for the assisted living facility in the 2015 budget. The decision was approved by a majority vote. The commissioners voted in December to close the operations at the county home because of the lack of funding.

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Severance Pay for County Home Employees on Hold until State Provides Answers

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

The Pulaski County Council members will need more information from the state to see if any severance pay can be issued to the employees at Pleasant View Rest Home.

The council members discussed the issue briefly Monday night.

The county home is expected to close on March 31, and the commissioners had discussed the possibility of severance pay last week. County Attorney Kevin Tankersley previously said the county can’t give bonuses. The money isn’t theirs to spend in that kind of fashion. Tankersley also said the county can’t pay for work that isn’t done.

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Pulaski County Republican Caucus Selects District 4 Council Member

Republican Party Elephant

A new Pulaski County Council member was chosen by a Republican Party Caucus last week.

Republican Chairman Blair Todd told WKVI News that former Pulaski County Commissioner Michael “Big Mike” Tiede was selected in a second round of voting to fill the District 4 seat vacated by Mick Tiede.

Mick Tiede stepped down from his Pulaski County Council seat in order to retain his part-time job in the Pulaski County Assessor’s office. State and local statutes do not allow a county employee to hold a county council seat.

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Pulaski County Council Approves Advertisement for Surveyor Budget Appropriation

 The Pulaski County Council added a line item in the surveyor’s budget in order to finance attorney services and engineering costs.

In a joint session with the commissioners, it was explained that the attorney is doing extra litigation work that would need additional compensation to complete. Tim Murray is the attorney for the surveyor’s office.

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Miscalculated Funds in Contract Results in Additional Appropriation

 Pulaski County Attorney Kevin Tankersley explained a unique contract situation to the county council this week and requested an additional appropriation to cover the contract.

Four County Counseling informed the commissioners in the last part of 2014 that the county owes the company for ten years of miscalculated funds. The contract is mandated by the state. Even though Tankersley pointed out to their attorney the fact that the county signed an agreement with Four County Counseling for a specific annual amount for the past ten years, the company claims that the county owes them $16,117.38.

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Pulaski County EMS Looking for Paramedics


A committee will look into wages and salaries in the coming weeks in Pulaski County.

EMS Director Nikki Lowry begged the Pulaski County Council for help as she cannot keep staff in her department. She said she is in desperate need for paramedics, but the county’s wages and benefits don’t entice potential applicants to work with the county. According to Lowry, first-year staff members don’t get any extra time off.

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No Action Taken Concerning Highway Department Employee Changes

Pulaski County CourthouseThe Pulaski County Council last night did not act on the change in personnel at the county highway department.

Council President Jay Sullivan looked over the paperwork and commented that the personnel change did not include a change in the money budgeted for the two positions. He believed that the only reason the council would need to act was if there was an additional appropriation or transfer because salaries would change. Two employees changed job descriptions.

The commissioners voted in January to appoint a person as general foreman.  That is the usual action of the highway superintendent. Terry Ruff was placed into that position while Travis Holiday was dropped to a foreman position.

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Pulaski County Commissioners, Council to Meet in Joint Session

Pulaski County CourthouseThe Pulaski County Commissioners and the Pulaski County Council will meet in joint session tonight.

One item the joint board is expected to discuss is the change in the salary ordinance in the highway department. When the commissioners met on Jan. 19, the members voted 2-1 to appoint a person in the position that is second in command at the department. The highway superintendent normally makes that appointment, but Commissioner Bud Krohn, Jr., who spearheaded the move, called it a political change. He presented the change for a vote. Terry Young also voted in favor of the change while Commission President Larry Brady was the dissenting vote.

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Firearms Ordinance Passed by Pulaski County Council

Pulaski County CourthouseThe Pulaski County Council this week discussed an ordinance that pertains to allowing sheriff’s deputies to be issued a firearm, retired ID card and retired badge after serving honorably for a minimum of 20 years.

In this case, Paul Grandstaff retired in December after serving over 20 years with the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department, including two terms as sheriff, and he has requested the retention of his shotgun that he first received when arriving on staff at the department.

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New Deputies Hired at Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department

Pulaski County Justice Center
Pulaski County Justice Center

The Pulaski County Council reorganized for the year where Jay Sullivan was retained as president of the fiscal body while Roger Querry was appointed as vice president. The council also welcomed newly elected member Linda Powers.

Sheriff Jeff Richwine told the council that three new deputies have been hired and he requested $6,000 to be transferred so a part-time officer can cover their absence while they’re at the academy. Two officers will be sent to the academy in March and one officer will go after the first two come back. When the officers complete their training, the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department should be fully staffed with eight deputies. The transfer was unanimously approved.

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Pulaski County Prosecutor Discusses Budget with County Council

Pulaski County CourthousePulaski County Prosecutor Daniel Murphy approached the county council this week to ask the council members to accept his full-time employment and wages as he begins his four-year term in the office. That request was unanimously approved.

Crystal Sanders was appointed as deputy prosecutor.

He also asked for a transfer of $6,000 to satisfy the installation of money to the pre-trial diversion line item in the budget. The prosecutor requested that the money be moved from the pre-trial diversion user fees.

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Pulaski County Council Approves Funds to Keep County Home Open Three Months

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

The Pulaski County Council members last night approved three months of funding for the Pleasant View Rest Home.

The council previously approved, by majority vote, to not include funding for the county home in the 2015 budget. However, by law, they have to keep the county home open for 90 days so the residents have time to find alternate housing. The council approved an additional appropriation in the amount of $52,596 to honor wages and operations until the Pleasant View Rest Home is closed for good on March 31.

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Pleasant View Rest Home Closure Underway

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

Officials are moving forward with the closure of the Pleasant View Rest Home in Pulaski County.

Board President Bob White told WKVI News that attorney Jere Humphrey has called county home officials to help with the paperwork to assist in placing the residents at a different facility or find other arrangements. Humphrey was appointed by the commissioners to help with the actions necessary to close the county home.

The county council at their meeting in December approved the defunding of the county home by a majority vote at their meeting on Dec. 8.  Because funding for the county home was not included in the 2015 budget, the county commissioners approved the official close of the facility by a vote of 2-1 on Dec. 23.

The residents or their representatives will be sent a letter and they will have two weeks to notify the attorney of their plan.  Once the attorney receives the information of where the residents will be moving, the residents then have 90 days to move from the Pleasant View Rest Home.  The facility is expected to be closed on March 31.

White thanked superintendent Deb Girton and the staff for their hard work in taking care of the residents. He also recognized the board members for their efforts.

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Pulaski County Commissioners to Discuss Closing County Home

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

The Pulaski County Commissioners will meet in special session today to address issues in closing the Pleasant View Rest Home.

By a majority vote, the Pulaski County Council voted to defund the county home in October and that decision was reaffirmed earlier this month by a majority vote.

County Attorney Kevin Tankersley informed the Pulaski County Commissioners last week that there is a lot to go through to close the facility. He met with an attorney in Plymouth last week to see if that attorney would take over the responsibility of overseeing the process as he thought that would be a better practice.

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