Students Gearing Up to Head Back to School This Week


It’s back to school week throughout the Kankakee Valley and many children are doing their best to enjoy these last few days of freedom from teachers, homework and classes. Registration is behind them, they’ve got their shots and it’s time to begin the new school year.

At Knox Community Schools, students will be heading to the classrooms for their first day back today. Elementary students begin their day at 7:50 a.m. and leave at 2:50 p.m.; middle school students start at 7:35 a.m., leaving at 2:40 p.m.; and high school students begin at 8 a.m. and leave at 2:55 p.m. Students will be dismissed a half-hour early every Friday.

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Hearing Scheduled on Eastern Pulaski Superintendent’s Contract

Dr. Robert Klitzman
Dr. Robert Klitzman
Details of the contract offer for the next Eastern Pulaski School Corporation superintendent will be outlined during a public hearing prior to this evening’s school board meeting. The finalist will not be identified by name, but state law requires a public hearing be held to present terms of the offer. In this case they include a base salary of $100,000 for a 260-day year for the next three years. The school board will review the superintendent’s performance annually, and if he or she is evaluated as either highly effective or effective they may grant a base salary increase.

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County Highway Departments Receive Additional Gas Tax Funds

Starke County Highway Superintendent Stephen "Rik" Ritzler
Starke County Highway Superintendent Stephen “Rik” Ritzler

County highway departments throughout Indiana were pleased to hear that the General Assembly recently allocated them additional funding from the Gas Tax in an effort to fund local road and bridge projects. According to a press release from state representatives Tom Dermody and Douglas Gutwein, the downturn in the economy and the greater usage of high fuel economy vehicles has caused a decrease in the overall Gas Tax collection, and that has trickled down to affect local projects, causing delays.

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Alliance Bank Warns Customers of Text Scam


Customers of an area bank warned of  a text message scam. Alliance Bank advises several customers and non-customers have gotten messages stating their account has been deactivated and they need to call a telephone number. Alliance Bank officials stress this is a hoax and they will not request account information via text. Do not call the number in the message, as it is not affiliated with the bank. Please call your local Alliance Bank office if you have provided this information or if you have any questions.

Pulaski County Commissioners Table Bids for Bridge Inspections

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
It’s time again for Pulaski County to prepare for their next round of bridge inspections and Highway Superintendent Mark Fox presented eight proposals for the work at the county commissioners’ meeting Monday night. Fox told the commissioners that it would be idea to make a “scoring team,” a committee to evaluate the proposals and ensure that they are comparing apples to apples and each proposal meets the required specs.

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Pulaski Commissioners Approve Maintenance Quotes

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
The Pulaski County Commissioners last night approved a quote to perform concrete work at the county annex building. Jeff Johnston, maintenance director for the county, told the commissioners that he would like to start the work in September and in order to do so, the commissioners would need to approve one of the quotes during the meeting.

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West Central School Supt. Outlines Preparations for 2013-2014 School Year

West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon
West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon
The West Central School Corporation is gearing up for the start of school. Superintendent Charles Mellon gave a report of activities leading up to the start of the 2013-2014 school year.

“We start on Aug. 8 with our first-year teachers and going over the policy manuals at each building,” Mellon explained. “On Aug. 9, we begin the school year with a half-day of in-service with the staff. The following Monday and Tuesday we continue that in-service. Our students arrive on Aug. 14 to begin the school year.”

Entry of Plea and Sentencing Hearing Scheduled in the Case of Daymond Hartley

Daymond Hartley’s court case has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 11 a.m. ET in Pulaski County Circuit Court for an entry of plea and sentencing hearing. A court date set for today was stricken from the court calendar and rescheduled for this hearing.

Hartley is facing one count of Theft as a Class D Felony after he reportedly admitted to taking $6,342 from an evidence storage locker at the Winamac Police Department. Hartley, a former Winamac police officer, reportedly explained to Police Chief Michael Buchanan that he stole the money so he could afford a dental procedure for his mother to prevent a bacterial infection. He allegedly stated that during the last week in March, he found the evidence locker key in Chief Buchanan’s office and took the envelope. He returned every cent of the money on Saturday, April 6 in a sealed envelope and spoke with Buchanan about the incident that following Monday.

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West Central Middle School Students to Participate in One-to-One Computer Initiative

West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon
West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon
The West Central School Corporation will be rolling off its one-to-one computer initiative this coming school year.

An update on the project was given during last week’s school board meeting. Superintendent Charles Mellon said Technology Coordinator Rob Evans and Kris Aschbrenner gave the update to the board.

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West Central School Board Discusses Budget

West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon
West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon
The West Central School Board members discussed the budget during a special work session this week. Superintendent Charles Mellon said the board spent most of the evening looking into finances for next year.

The board members did act on the budget discussion during the regular meeting.

“They did approve advertising the budget we had worked on so that is in the hands of the newspaper people at this time,” stated Mellon.

In another action item, the board approved an insurance premium contract for underground storage tanks.

Monterey Bridge Project on Schedule

After a few weeks of battling high water issues, the crew working on the Monterey Bridge project is moving right along.

Bret Smiley of United Consulting reported that the beams have been set and the crews are placing decking at this juncture of the project. Overhang jacks are being installed along the outside beams and they are installing decking on them as well. Once the deck is completely prepared, the next step will be the placement of rebar throughout the deck.

The project appears to be on schedule and the project should be completed in October.

Pulaski County Food Pantry in Need of Items

Jackie Frain
Jackie Frain
Pulaski County Human Services has announced that the organization is need of a number of items in order to continue providing food to the community. Jackie Frain, director of PCHS, said the county-wide food pantry is part of its Helping Other People Everyday service, or HOPE, and is in need of canned fruit, jelly, peanut butter, bottled juice, powdered milk, break, canned vegetables, butter, margarine, eggs and cereal.

In addition, they are also looking for non-food items such as toothpaste, shampoo, laundry soap and diapers – items that are needed by the people they serve throughout the community.

To make a donation, bring your items to 115 W. Pearl St. in Winamac. Frain said she thanks donors and supporters on behalf of those who benefit from the donations.

Walking Trail at Winamac Park Closed Today

Entrance to the Winamac Town Park
Entrance to the Winamac Town Park
The walking trail at the Winamac Town Park will be closed today.

Park Superintendent Rick Dilts stated that crews will be resealing the asphalt for preventative maintenance measures.

He added that the sealant will take approximately 24 hours to adhere properly and foot traffic may resume activity on Wednesday. If that deadline changes, he will notify us to help spread the word.

Public Hearing Scheduled for EPSC Proposed Superintendent Contact


A public hearing will be held on Monday, Aug. 12 at 5:30 p.m. ET at the Eastern Pulaski Community School Corporation to discuss the pending superintendent’s contract.

By law, the school board members must hold a public hearing disclosing details of the superintendent’s proposed contract.

According to the school’s legal notice, the superintendent’s contract term will be from Aug. 13, 2013 to June 30, 2016. The base annual salary for the incoming superintendent will be $100,000 with a work year of 260 days with 15 allowable vacation days, three personal days and 10 sick days during the 2013-2014 school year. The superintendent will receive a proposed seven sick days during the 2015-2016 school year.

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Pulaski County Public Library to Host Indiana Heart Gallery

The Indiana Heart Gallery is stopping at the Pulaski County Public Library in Winamac.

The gallery features portraits of children in need of adoptive families. The Heart Gallery is used by the Indiana Department of Child Services to help raise awareness about children in foster care in need of a forever home. More than 1000 children in Indiana are in need of a home.

The Indiana Heart Gallery will display a dozen portraits daily from Aug. 5 to Aug. 26 at the Pulaski County Public Library in Winamac. The exhibit may be viewed Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET.

Eastern Pulaski Superintendent Search Winds Down

Dr. Robert Klitzman
Dr. Robert Klitzman

The Eastern Pulaski School Corporation will soon have a new superintendent in place. Dr. Robert Klitzman retired June 30th but stayed on in an interim capacity until his replacement is hired. Klitzman tells WKVI news that August 23rd will be his last day. The board will conduct a public hearing on the new superintendent’s contract during their Monday, Aug. 12th board meeting. State law requires a hearing be held, but Klitzman says the candidate will not be identified by name. The board will then meet in executive session, with a formal hiring decision scheduled during a special-called meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 20.