The annual Reality Store for 8th grade students at West Central Middle School is scheduled this month. The program provides students with the chance to learn about careers, and envision their life at age 28. Continue reading
Starke County Sheriff’s Department Gets New K9
The Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department has sold one of its K9s to Starke County.
Sheriff Michael Gayer told WKVI News that the K9 officer resigned abruptly and no other officer in the department wanted to resume the responsibility of K9 “Terror”. He reached out to other departments to see if a K9 could help them. One department that expressed interest was the Starke County Sheriff’s Department. The K9 and a kennel were sold to Starke County for $8,500 about two weeks ago.
The Pulaski County commissioners discussed the K9 situation Monday night during their meeting where Commissioner Terry Young was not pleased with the amount of money for which the K9 was sold. Commission President Larry Brady gave the sheriff the option of including the vehicle with the K9 and the kennel at a price of $17,000 or leave the vehicle for use by a department head. The vehicle stayed with the county.
NIPSCO Projects Lower Winter Heating Bills
NIPSCO gas customers can expect to pay less to heat their homes this winter, according to the utility company’s forecast for home heating bills. Projections indicate they will be four percent lower than last year. That means an average savings of $22 over the winter heating season for residential customers. Continue reading
West Central School Board Approves Budget, Discusses Insurance
Absentee Voting Now Open for General Election
Voters can now vote absentee in a county clerk’s office for the November General Election.
In Starke County, in-office absentee voting will be Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. CT in the second floor meeting room in the courthouse from now until Oct. 31. The same hours will apply for Saturday, Oct. 25 and Saturday, Nov. 1.
Tips for Fire Prevention Week
Working smoke alarms are responsible for saving the lives of at least 70 individuals statewide this year.
Knox-Center Township Fire Chief Kenny Pfost echoes that statement released by the Indiana State Fire Marshal and encourages all residents to have smoke detectors on all levels of the home.
“Make sure you have working smoke detectors in your home and change the batteries at least once a year. We always tell people that the beginning of October is a good time to change those batteries,” said Pfost.
Pulaski County Justice Center, Courthouse Damage Repaired
Repairs to the Pulaski County Justice Center, to the Pulaski County Courthouse and to the county home barn have been completed.
Maintenance Director Jeff Johnston told the commissioners last night that just minor items need to be finished to complete the damage sustained in a hail storm over a year ago.
“They’ve got metal coping to do on the justice center but the courthouse roof has been repaired and the justice center roof has been replaced and sealed. The barn at the county home has been repainted. The damaged section in the back and the roof have been repainted and sealed. The damaged screens were also repaired,” explained Johnson.
Indiana Receives Federal Grant to Combat ongoing Methamphetamine Production
The Indiana State Police is the recipient of a $567,000 federal grant to boost efforts in the fight against methamphetamine production and distribution.
U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly announced the reception of the grant on Monday afternoon which will allow the Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Anti-Methamphetamine Program to investigate activities related to the ongoing methamphetamine issue in the state.
Enrollment Increases at West Central Schools
Voter Registration Deadline is Today
Today is the last day to register to vote for the Nov. 4 General Election.
Voter registration is available during the time the county clerk’s offices are open today. You must be registered by the end of the business day in order to vote in the November election.
You may go into your county clerk’s office today to review your current registration or to simply register. You will need to update your voter registration information if you have moved or if you’re a first time voter.
Beware of Charity Checks
Beware of a charity check that may come your way
Charitable organizations including those raising money for breast cancer and hospice are seeking donations by mail from area residents. They send a check to the resident made out for $2.50 with instructions to it back with an additional contribution. However, the fine print states less than 5 percent of the proceeds go to the charity.
Keep this in mind if you get a check like this in the mail.
Crews Work on Preventative Road Maintenance
Crews have been busy crack sealing roads to help extend the life of the pavement and to provide a smoother road surface.
Local street department workers and INDOT crews have been busy with the process to keep water from getting into the cracks to slow the deterioration process and to prevent frost heave damage and potholes. This work is typically done in the spring and fall when temperatures are not at an extreme.
Free Internship Program Set for Oct. 10
An internship-matching program to help easily connect employers with qualified interns is planned for Friday, Oct. 10 at the Lindenwood Retreat & Conference Center on the campus of Ancilla College in Donaldson.
Jennifer Fisher, a training and recruitment specialist with Group Dekko, will share experiences with interns and explain the return on investment of a quality internship. Indiana INTERNnet Executive Director Janet Boston will take program attendees through the process of using a free online searchable database that allows employers connect with an intern that can best fit the company’s workforce needs. Amanda Stanley, director of program relationships for the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, will outline a program that can help employers fund paid internships with qualifying students.
Pulaski County Health Department out of Flu Shots
Residents are wasting no time in getting flu shots in Pulaski County.
The Pulaski County Health Department is out of the vaccine for those aged three and older. The flu mist is still available through the Vaccine for Children program for those who are underinsured, uninsured and on Medicaid. Private stock doses remain for children aged six months to two years.
For those who have never had the shot before, two shots must be administered one month apart. The cost for the vaccine is $20.
Be Prepared for Severe Weather: Check Preparedness Kit
The season is changing and now is the time to prepare for the potential for severe weather.
The Indiana Department of Homeland Security recommends maintaining a preparedness kit. If you have one assembled, take this opportunity to check on foods and other items in the kit to see what things might need to be replaced.
Judge Suppresses Evidence Gathered by Deputy Without Legal Authority
Evidence was suppressed in a case heard in Pulaski Superior Court after it was found that the arresting officer did not have arrest powers at the time of the incident.
Court documents obtained by WKVI indicate Pulaski County Sheriff Mike Gayer appointed longtime reserve deputy John Haley as a part-time/special deputy on Sept. 7, 2011. He had until September of 2012 to complete the Indiana Law Enforcement Training Academy but did not do so. The only record of training in his personnel file is the pre-basic 40-hour course required by reserve deputies. Haley first joined the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department Reserves in approximately 2007/2008.
Eastern Pulaski School Board Holds Productive Work Session on Building Project
The Eastern Pulaski School Board met for a lengthy work session after Monday afternoon’s public hearing concerning the rehabilitation projects at the elementary, middle and high schools.
The board approved paperwork to move forward in updating heating and cooling systems at the school buildings, replacing gym floors, updating all of the classrooms for technology purposes and educational settings, plus creating a more secure entrance at each building for the safety of students and staff members. Energy saving measures are also planned. The anticipated combined project cost is $14 million.
Voter Registration Ends Monday
The General Election is Tuesday, Nov. 4 and in order to cast your important vote you need to be properly registered.
Voter registration is open this week at all county clerk’s offices. The last day to register to vote is Monday, Oct. 6. You must be registered by the end of the business day on Oct. 6 in order to vote in the November election.
If you need to register to vote or have questions about your current registration, call the Starke County clerk’s office at (574) 772-9160, the Pulaski County clerk’s office at (574) 946-3313 or the Marshall County Clerk’s office at (574) 936-8922. Election and registration information can also be found on the state’s website.
Absentee voting in all three counties begins Tuesday, Oct. 7.
Eastern Pulaski School Board Holds 1028 Hearing
The Eastern Pulaski School Board members held a 1028 hearing yesterday afternoon to give those in attendance a scope of an extensive project in the works at all three of the schools to begin in March of 2015 and to end in October of 2016.
The board members did a walking tour of the buildings and made the collective decision to update and modernize the schools. Technology is the wave of the future and the school board felt it necessary to recognize that fact and to create the infrastructure necessary for that need moving forward with curriculum and educational space.
Pulaski County Health Department Schedules Flu Shot Clinic
The Pulaski County Health Department is holding a flu shot clinic this week. The clinic will run tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday starting at 8 a.m. EDT. Continue reading