Starke County residents who need a hand up are the big winners in the good-natured bet between WKVI’s Nathan Welter and Mary Perren over the outcome of the recent Knox v. North Judson-San Pierre football game. Since Nathan is a graduate and Knox and they lost, part of his payoff was hosting an hour-long food drive at Heartland Markets in North Judson. Manager Ray Wadja kept a donation can at the register as well for a week afterward. Continue reading
WKVI’s Sports Bet Food Drive Continues
There’s still time to make the Community Services of Starke County Food Pantry the big winner in this year’s Knox v. North Judson-San Pierre football rivalry. WKVI Sports Director Nathan Welter is a Knox graduate, and news director Mary Perren is a North Judson alum. Each year they make a friendly wager on the outcome of the county rivalry. Since North Judson won, Nathan had to dye his beard blue and host an hour-long food drive at Heartland Market, formerly Ray’s Super Foods, in downtown North Judson on Saturday. Thanks to the generosity of all who came out, he nearly filled a grocery cart and collected quite a bit of cash as well. Continue reading