Culver School Board Establishes Fund for Referendum Money

The Culver Community Schools Corporation will now officially be able to use its referendum revenues, following action by the school board. In November, voters agreed to let the school district raise property taxes by up to 17 cents per $100 of assessed valuation for an eight-year period. The school board took a final step Monday by establishing a Referendum Fund to accept that money.

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Oregon-Davis School Board to Hold Public Work Session About Fiscal Strategic Planning

The Oregon-Davis School Board is holding a special work session on Monday to deliberate and receive public input about fiscal strategic planning for future operations. Specifically, the meeting will pertain to the general and referendum funds of the Oregon-Davis School Corporation.

Any visitor has the opportunity to speak but they must inform the school board president in advance by registering before the meeting begins. A registration sheet will be available at least thirty minute prior to the meeting. Continue reading