Financial Arrangements for Knox Community Center Upgrades to be Considered Tonight

The City of Knox will finalize some of the financial arrangements for the Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center renovations. The Knox Community Center Building Corporation will meet tonight at 6:30 to consider a resolution amending the lease and approving the financing. Once that’s complete, the city council will consider its own resolution, during its regular meeting at 7:00.

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North Judson Town Council to Continue Discussing Animal Ordinance

North Judson Council President Wendy Hoppe; Police Officer Frank Thomas; Council Members Josh Brown, John Rowe, Jane Ellen Felchuk, James Young; Town Attorney Justin Schramm, Clerk-Treasurer Alicia Collins

North Judson’s animal ordinance will continue to be discussed during tonight’s town council meeting. Council members recently decided to enforce the ordinance more strictly, following complaints about chickens and other animals.

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State Coalition to Attempt to Close Skills Gap, Programs Already in Place Locally

SCILL Center

A skills gap is being blamed for the lack of progress in Indiana’s economic recovery. According to the Indiana Skills2Compete Coalition, career and technical education for youth and the lack of credential attainment among the state’s adult workforce, are needing attention.

The Starke County Initiative for Lifelong Learning Center or SCILL Center, is ahead of the curve with providing opportunities for adults and students to gather skills needed to be a productive member of the adult workforce. Ron Gifford from the Starke County Economic Development Foundation said officials recognized one gap about three years ago.

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Unemployment Numbers Drop in Starke County


The unemployment numbers for Starke County continue to decrease.

Ron Gifford from the Starke County Economic Development Foundation said the numbers have been quite encouraging.

“Since January of this year, we’ve seen our labor force grow by almost three hundred more people out there actively seeking a position,” said Gifford. “There’s almost five hundred more people employed than there were in January and the ranks of our unemployed have depleted down by about 180. They’re actually finding jobs and the people that had been out of the job market for some period of time apparently are coming back to it.”

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Starke County Unemployment Rate Explained


The unemployment rate for the state and for individual counties was released this week.

The rate in Starke County dropped a point, according to the April statistics. The rate is 6.9 percent which is a 1.3 percent decrease. Starke County still ranks in the top ten in unemployment. All 92 counties reported a decrease in the unemployment rate.

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SCEDF Pleased With Works Councils Mapping


Governor Mike Pence this week unveiled a map of the 11 regions for the Indiana Works Councils, councils which he said will bring educators and employers together to evaluate and develop career and technical education that meets the demands of employers in each region. The Indiana Works Councils were created with the passage of Senate Enrolled Act 465, which the governor signed into law on April 15.

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Toll Brothers Seeks Statement of Benefits Approval from Knox City Council

Back Row: Greg Matt, Mayor Rick Chambers, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston, Donald Kring, City Attorney David Matsey. Front Row: Linda Berndt, Jeff Berg and Ron Parker

Ron Gifford from the Starke County Economic Development Foundation appeared before the Knox City Council last week seeking a Statement of Benefits document for the Toll Brothers plant in Knox. Toll Brothers is the preeminent luxury home-builder in America.

The Statement of Benefits document that Toll Brothers is seeking is to certify that they are in substantial compliance with the original tax abatement that was granted.

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