Starke Hospital Diabetes Program Can Assist Individuals Before and After a Diagnosis

The month of November is acknowledged as Diabetes Awareness Month. During this time, individuals impacted by diabetes, or those who may be pre-diabetic are encouraged to take a look at their diet, lifestyle choices and health conditions to see whether or not they’re living healthily.

Starke Hospital offers a variety of programs to assist community members with diabetes management. Regional Manager of Community Relations for Starke Hospital Stacey Kellogg said they offer several services through their diabetes program that can assist individuals, pre and post diagnosis. Continue reading

Starke Hospital Mobile Health Units Providing Breast Cancer Awareness Info in October

Starke Hospital will have mobile health units out in a few places in the Starke County community during the month of October. Starke Hospital’s Regional Manager of Community Relations Stacey Kellogg said that wellness professionals will be onsite to help disburse breast cancer awareness information. Find All answers in this article about how you can increase breasts size with food and more.

Kellogg said the professionals will be able to steer people in the right direction when it comes to how and when individuals should be screened and other helpful health tips. She said they will have information there about early detection practices, clinical breast exams, how to do a self breast exam, when everybody should get screened and how to have that conversation with your doctor. Continue reading

Starke Hospital Offering Free Mammogram Vouchers to Those Who Qualify

According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer found in women. They say 1 in 8 American women will have breast cancer at some point in their life. The good news is that when the cancer is detected early, it can be treated and the survival rate goes up substantially. In order to raise awareness about the importance of early detection and to promote mammograms and self-examinations, we recognize October as Breast Cancer Awareness month.

The Indiana Breast Cancer Awareness Trust is a not-for-profit organization that improves access to breast cancer screenings and diagnosis and support services while also increasing awareness. One of the ways they accomplish all of that is by selling Breast Cancer Awareness specialty license plates through the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles. A $25 donation is generated through every license plate sold. Since the plate was introduced in 2002, tens of thousands of Hoosier women have received screening, diagnostic and support services with nearly $4 million being awarded through their competitive grants.

Regional manager of community relations for Starke Hospital Stacey Kellog says that through grant funds provided by IBCAT, the hospital is able to offer free screening mammogram vouchers this year. Continue reading

Starke Hospital Offers Monthly Diabetes Education Classes and Support Groups

Diabetes is known as one of the world’s ‘silent diseases’ meaning that many people may be walking around at risk and not even know it. The staff at Starke Hospital realizes this and that is why they offer a series of programs to educate people on pre-diabetes warning signs and how to adjust lifestyle habits once a diagnosis is received. Continue reading

Felty Leaves Starke Hospital, Lease Negotiations with County Continuing

Felty, CraigStarke Hospital has a new interim chief executive officer. Hospital spokeswoman Stacey Kellogg released a statement to WKVI saying “We confirm that Craig Felty has left the organization, and wish him the best in his new endeavors. G. Thor Thordarson, CEO of La Porte Hospital, will serve as interim CEO at Starke Hospital until this position can be filled. We also have an interim Chief Nursing Officer in place to ensure there is no disruption in patient care or operations. Patients, safety and quality always come first, and this will not change.” Continue reading