NJSP School Board Thanks Former Member, Plans to Appoint New Member

UPDATE: North Judson-San Pierre school officials moved the public interviews and appointment to Tuesday, December 4 at 5:30 p.m. The location remains the same.

Front: Sheila Akers and Susan McCormack Back: Derrick Stalbaum, Jim Menis & Jerry Bacon

The North Judson-Pierre School Board was one member short when they met last week. Since she officially left her position as the school board’s Railroad Township representative, Susan McCormack sat in the meeting as an audience member Tuesday night.

Board President Sheila Akers took a minute to recognize McCormack’s contribution to the NJ-SP school board, “I’m happy to have Susan with us tonight and to be able to say thank you on behalf of the board, but I’m sad you’re leaving.” Continue reading

Railroad Township Board Finalizes N.J.-S.P. School Board Appointment

The Railroad Township Board has once again voted to appoint Susan McCormack to the North Judson-San Pierre School Board, but this time, they did it legally. They originally made the decision last week, but didn’t take the vote in public, as required by law. So board members met again Thursday to rescind that action and do it again in public.

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