Starke County Resource Center Volunteers Moving Ahead with Warming Center Plans

While the Starke County Resource Center’s goal of setting up a full homeless shelter is on hold, plans for a daytime warming center are quickly moving ahead. A number of potential volunteers, most of them affiliated with local churches, gathered Monday at the Trinity Assembly of God Church in Knox, where it would be housed. Among other things, they looked at how to go about providing meals, clothes, resources, and programs to people who need help.

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Starke County Resource Center to Host ‘Community Contributor Gathering’ Tonight

As the Starke County Resource Center awaits a decision from the Knox Board of Zoning Appeals, the nonprofit group is working to gather volunteers to help make the project a reality. Organizers are hosting a “community contributor gathering” tonight at 7:00 at the Trinity Assembly of God at 22 North Shield Street in Knox.

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