West Central Pleased With Wind Turbine Investment

West Central Wind TurbineThe wind turbine on the West Central Schools campus has proven to be a sound investment for the corporation. Superintendent Don Street says it conserves energy and helps keep electric bills in check. He says June, July and August are traditionally slow months in terms of wind production. It picks up in September through the winter months, though. West Central is on net metering through NIPSCO, which allows the corporation to build up credits during heavy wind months and use them during slower months. Continue reading

West Central School Board Approves Vocational Agreement

west central logoStudents at West Central High School have a chance to try several careers on for size thanks to the corporation’s participation in the Indian Trails Vocational Cooperative. Superintendent Don Street says West Central shares resources with schools in White, Jasper and Newton Counties.

“We have students this year from North White School Corporation that are involved in our welding program and our health occupations program. We’ve had students as well in our drafting/CAD program, as well as our anatomy/physiology and athletic training courses as well.” Continue reading

West Central School Board Braces for Budget Hit

west central logoThe West Central School Corporation is anticipating a $385,000 reduction in general fund revenues in the coming year. Superintendent Don Street says that’s due to several factors.

“Our enrollment is at currently 818 students. The complexity index that we have talked about before has changed with different laws with the state legislature, and many small, rural schools are being hurt by that complexity index change.” Continue reading

West Central Still Seeking Some Staff Positions


When the West Central School Board met Thursday evening they discussed a plethora of back-to-school matters. One agenda item under personnel matters was the current need for a High School English teacher and a band director middle and senior high school.

An update about facility renovations was also provided. Over the summer custodians have been working diligently to replace carpet and install new energy saving lighting.

Superintendent Don Street said that Monday, August 10 will be the first teacher day back. The Tuesday of that week will be another teacher preparation day as well as meet the teacher night for students in grades K through 5 from 6 to 7 pm eastern. Wednesday, August 11 will be a half day for teachers and students return on Thursday August 13th.

Last E-Learning Day at West Central Today

 Students in the West Central School Corporation will participate in their last e-learning day today. The corporation was granted the chance to make up missed school days this year by completing assignments online.

Students received assignments on Thursday. They will work on those assignments online today as it coincides with the one-to-one computer program.

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West Central School Corporation to Offer Free Meals this Summer


The West Central School Corporation will participate in the summer feeding program.

Students aged 18 and younger can eat free breakfast and lunch at the West Central Elementary School Cafeteria from June 2 until June 11. Adults and staff members can eat breakfast or lunch for $1.00.

Breakfast will be served from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and lunch is available from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. ET during the dates listed.

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West Central Students Collect Change in Pennies for Patients Campaign

west central logoStudents participating in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes program at the West Central School Corporation were successful in collecting funds for the Pennies for Patients initiative.

The goal was set at $2,500, but Superintendent Don Street told WKVI News that the goal was surpassed. The students collected over $3,000 to benefit patients who are part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Any loose change was donated by students in the high school, middle school, and elementary school.

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West Central Students Participating in FFA Week


West Central FFA students are getting in the spirit of educating others about FFA.

FFA Leader Shaw Haselby told WKVI News that the students have been participating in spirit days. Today is Denim Day while tomorrow the students will be driving their tractors to school. Friday is Cowboy/Western Day.

Haselby says FFA is vital in giving students information about agriculture, but also public speaking, leadership skills, and other experiences to promote agriculture.

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Grant Will Help Students with Industrial Maintenance Skills

Pulaski County Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer told the county commissioners last night that the county is the recipient of an $82,355 Region 1 Works Council for a Career and Technical Education (CTE) innovative-curriculum grant.

Origer said the grant will fund a Pulaski County Repair and Maintenance Technology (RAM-Tech) program at West Central High School to give students the skills they need to be successful in an industrial setting.

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West Central School Board Approves E-Learning Application

 West Central School Corporation students could make up school days missed if the Department of Education approves the corporation’s application to incorporate e-learning days into the school calendar.

Superintendent Don Street said students have missed four days of school due to snow so far this semester.

“We have to built-in snow days so we will go to school on February 16 and April 20 to make up two days. Currently, we have two days that are still outstanding,” said Street.

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Schools to Make up Missed Days of School

 Schools closed three days last week due to weather which means students will be making up those lost days of instruction.

West Central School Superintendent Don Street explains what his corporation will do to make up those days.

“Feb. 16 and April 20 are two snow make-up days we have. We’re also exploring the possibility of e-learning days and designate Saturdays as a possibility to make up future days missed,” said Street.

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Teacher Performance Grants Awarded to Several Local Schools

Indiana Department of EducationEducators at several local schools will receive a share of the $30 million in Teacher Performance Grants awarded by the state to more than 1,300 schools. Funds were given to schools with students earning ISTEP+ or end of course assessment passing scores of 72.5 percent or above or with a growth in graduation rates of 5 percent ore more from the previous year. Teachers who are rated effective or highly effective under Indiana’s teacher evaluation system for the 2013-2014 academic year will be paid based on student performance. Continue reading

West Central School Board to Meet Tonight

west central logoThe West Central School Board will meet tonight for their regular monthly meeting and to discuss how things around going before the start of school next week.

The board members will have the second reading of the firearms policy. Superintendent Don Street explained in an earlier report that the policy includes language that doesn’t allow a firearm inside the school building. A firearm will not be allowed on school property unless it is inside a locked vehicle and out of sight of the public, as outlined in the state statute.

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West Central Registration Dates Announced

west central logoThe West Central School Corporation will be opening doors to students soon.

Students can register for classes on Monday, Aug. 4 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. or Tuesday, Aug. 5 from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. ET. Textbook rental fees will be due. A $15 technology fee will be added for students receiving a technical device. The rental fee for sixth through twelfth grade will be based on courses taken and will be calculated at the time of registration.

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