Schools Send Waiver to State to Forgive Monday and Tuesday as Missed Days

The state will forgive missed days of school on Monday and Tuesday if a waiver is filed with the Indiana Department of Education.

West Central Schools Superintendent Charles Mellon stated that he has filed the proper paperwork to have Monday and Tuesday forgiven as no school was in session either day. He also included an attachment of a notice sent by Pulaski County officials stating that the county was under a condition on Wednesday where emergency vehicles were the only approved vehicles to be on the roadways.

Mellon hopes that the school’s built in snow days will not need to utilized and the state will approve all three days.

Culver Community Schools will use Monday, Jan. 20 as a make up day for the cancellation of school on Wednesday, Jan. 8.

High Winds Not Affecting West Central Wind Turbine

West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon

One might think with yesterday morning’s extremely high winds West Central High School’s wind turbine would have been cranking out quite a bit of electricity. However, contrary to popular belief, Superintendent Charles Mellon explained that while strong winds do allow the wind turbine to produce more energy, winds that are any higher than 25 mph actually don’t produce that much more energy than 25 mph winds.

“People think when you get 40 mph winds we’re really turning it up, but that’s not the case. The meter is set to produce 900 kilowatts a day, when it’s running in full capacity,” Mellon explained.

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Graduation Services To Take Place Tomorrow Afternoon For Local Schools

Graduation services were held last night for Eastern Pulaski Seniors and another graduation service is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon reports the details of graduation services for seniors.

“That’ll be on Sunday, May 27,” said Mellon. “Baccalaureate is at 2 p.m. ET with Commencement to follow.”

Knox Community High School Commencement is Friday, June 1 at 7 p.m. in the Weinberg Gymnasium, and graduation at North Judson-San Pierre High School is slated for Sunday, June 3 at 7 p.m. in the high school gymnasium.

Wind Turbine Project Delayed at West Central Schools

The wind turbine project has been delayed at the West Central School Corporation.

“The components that are coming from Germany are here, but the tower itself is being manufactured in Tennessee. That component is being delayed as far as the manufacturing date. I think they had some issues at their factory so we’ve been pushed back to the week of January 9th,” said Superintendent Charles Mellon.

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