It’s back-to-school season and that means you’ll no longer be in control of what your child is eating for breakfast and lunch every day. Luckily, the United States Department of Agriculture oversees school lunches nationally. Back in 2010 the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act was put in place to transform the school food environment in order to promote better nutrition, combat childhood hunger and reduce the likelihood of developing obesity. Continue reading
West Central School Staff and Students Return this Week
The West Central School Corporation 2016 budget will be advertised on August 19th and 26th. This decision was reached by the WC School board during their meeting last Thursday. It was also announced that a budget hearing will take place on September 3rd. Continue reading
West Central Still Seeking Some Staff Positions
When the West Central School Board met Thursday evening they discussed a plethora of back-to-school matters. One agenda item under personnel matters was the current need for a High School English teacher and a band director middle and senior high school.
An update about facility renovations was also provided. Over the summer custodians have been working diligently to replace carpet and install new energy saving lighting.
Superintendent Don Street said that Monday, August 10 will be the first teacher day back. The Tuesday of that week will be another teacher preparation day as well as meet the teacher night for students in grades K through 5 from 6 to 7 pm eastern. Wednesday, August 11 will be a half day for teachers and students return on Thursday August 13th.
Back-to-School Vaccination Reminder
Are back-to-school vaccinations on your end of the summer to-do-list? If not, they should be. Regardless of what grade your child is going into, there are required immunizations they must receive or have listed on their medical records. The requirements and recommendations are in alignment with the routine vaccination schedules from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Continue reading
Mosquito Samples from Several Indiana Counties Test Positive for West Nile Virus
This summer’s above average amount of rainfall has been ideal for mosquito breeding. According to state health officials, West Nile Virus has been confirmed in almost 10 Indiana counties. The virus has only been spotted in mosquito samples and no avian or human infections have been reported or confirmed thus far. Continue reading
West Central SB Moving Forward with More Technology Usage
In order to cut down on paper costs the West Central School Board utilized chrome books during their last meeting. The school has just recently started using technology more often. Last year was the first year the school went one to one, meaning they provided chrome books to students fourth grade through twelfth grade and elementary school students in first,second and third grade. According to
West Central School Board Finds Innovative Option For Old Van
West Central Parents, Students Overwhelmingly Support E-Learning Days
West Central students and parents responded favorably to a recent survey about the four e-learning days the corporation scheduled in lieu of extending the school year. Superintendent Don Street says they tried to make the online lessons as user friendly as possible. Continue reading
West Central Elementary School Receives PACE Grant
The West Central Elementary School recently received a grant from the Pulaski Alliance Community Education, or PACE, organization.
Superintendent Don Street said the $15,000 grant helps gives books to students for special occasions, including the summer Bookmobile. The money also assists in the purchase of management of reading diagnostic software.
PACE activities range from support for preschool programs to coordination of adult education initiatives.
West Central School Corporation Looks to Lose More Funding in 2016
The West Central School Corporation will see another significant state funding cut to the General Fund budget in the 2016-2017 school year.
Superintendent Don Street gave the school board the hard figures during their meeting last week.
“Based on the state legislature, it is projected that West Central will be down about $300,000 for the 2016-2017 school year in the General Fund,” explained Street. “All of that is based upon our enrollment.”
West Central School Board Approves Increase in Meal Prices
After looking at the price of meals at the West Central School Corporation, the school board decided to increase the price of breakfast and lunch prices for the 2015-2016 school year.
Superintendent Don Street says the breakfast prices went up slightly, while a little more was added to lunch prices.
Last E-Learning Day at West Central Today
Students in the West Central School Corporation will participate in their last e-learning day today. The corporation was granted the chance to make up missed school days this year by completing assignments online.
Students received assignments on Thursday. They will work on those assignments online today as it coincides with the one-to-one computer program.
West Central School Corporation to Offer Free Meals this Summer
The West Central School Corporation will participate in the summer feeding program.
Students aged 18 and younger can eat free breakfast and lunch at the West Central Elementary School Cafeteria from June 2 until June 11. Adults and staff members can eat breakfast or lunch for $1.00.
Breakfast will be served from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and lunch is available from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. ET during the dates listed.
West Central School Board to Consider School Lunch Prices
West Central Students Collect Change in Pennies for Patients Campaign
Students participating in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes program at the West Central School Corporation were successful in collecting funds for the Pennies for Patients initiative.
The goal was set at $2,500, but Superintendent Don Street told WKVI News that the goal was surpassed. The students collected over $3,000 to benefit patients who are part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Any loose change was donated by students in the high school, middle school, and elementary school.
West Central School Board Reviews E-Learning Survey Results
Students at the West Central School Corporation participated in their first e-learning day of instruction on Saturday, March 14. The school board reviewed returned surveys last week following the experience.
Superintendent Don Street said that the responses were favorable for this type of method in making up missed days of instruction.
“Out of the parents that responded to the survey, 87.4 percent found that the e-learning day was effective,” explained Street. “From the students that responded to the survey, 65.6 percent found e-learning to be effective. Forty-nine of our staff members responded with 85.7 percent stating that our students made the expectations for the day.”
West Central School Board Discusses Strategic Plan
West Central Students to Participate in First E-Learning Day this Saturday
West Central students have missed six days of school due to bad traveling conditions this winter. The school board has approved three of those days to be made up with e-learning days.
Superintendent Don Street said they’re getting ready for the first e-learning day on Saturday, March 14.
“Our staff has been busy preparing and getting ready for some of the items that are necessary in helping our students be successful with e-learning days,” said Street.
West Central School Receives Grant for Industry Classes
The West Central School Board heard a report from Principal Patrick Culp and others who recently went to Indianapolis to accept a $82,355 Region 1 Works Council for a Career and Technical Education innovative-curriculum grant.
The grant will fund a Pulaski County Repair and Maintenance Technology program at West Central High School. Superintendent Don Street says a program for machine maintenance will assist students in giving them the skills they need to be productive in local industry.
West Central School Board Holds Work Session
The West Central School Board held a work session last week to look at the corporation’s strategic plan.
Superintendent Don Street said a presentation of the progression of the one-to-one technology program was given which led into the discussion of e-learning days. Street said the state has approved the corporation’s request to make up missed school days on Saturdays.
“Our first one is March 14 and a few will be held in April as opposed to adding those days on at the end of the year. This will make it a more meaningful and educationally related to our students,” said Street.
The students will receive assignments on Friday which will be due on Monday. The Board also discussed how the staff will prepare for e-learning days.
Principal Patrick Culp discussed a change in classes at the middle school level.
“We’re currently on a four-period day. We would be dividing a couple of those periods up for English and Mathematics. We would go to an eight-period day where those students would get instruction for 40 minutes and go into a lab setting for 40 minutes to get extra assistance if needed.”
More advanced learners would get more challenging assignments during that lab time.
No final decisions were made, but information from the work session will be presented at the March board meeting for approval.