The first signs of the West Nile virus have been confirmed in Indiana.
The detection of West Nile is earlier than normal for the state. It’s commonly found throughout the state in the summer and there will likely be an increase in activity as the season progresses.
It’s mosquito season and that brings one fear to mind above all others when it comes to being bitten by the annoying bug: the West Nile virus. The virus is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito, and while there is no treatment for the infection and no vaccine available, there are several ways to avoid the virus.
Most people who get infected with West Nile virus do not show any symptoms, though some people develop a mild illness called West Nile Fever. This mild illness gets better on its own; no treatment is necessary. However, a small number of people – that is, less than 1 in 100 – who get infected with West Nile virus develop severe symptoms such as headache, high fever, stiff neck, mental confusion, muscle weakness, tremors, convulsions, coma, and paralysis.
The West Nile virus has been detected in Pulaski County.
Four out of ten mosquito pools located near the Winamac Waste Water Treatment Plant have tested positive for the virus.
Pulaski County Health Department Health Nurse Andrea Keller urges residents to prevent mosquito problems around their home or neighborhood by disposing of any water-filled containers around the property and removing leaves and debris from gutters. Plastic wading pools and wheel barrows should be turned over when not in use. Don’t allow water to become stagnant in birdbaths and stock ornamental ponds with fish.
Health officials have announced that four human cases of West Nile virus statewide, with cases reported in Hamilton, Marion, and Jackson counties. While no cases have been confirmed in LaPorte, Starke, Marshall, Pulaski, or other nearby counties, Hoosiers are still encouraged to take steps to protect themselves from West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne viruses. Transmission of the virus within the mosquito population is currently much higher than in previous years: so far in 2012, mosquitoes carrying the virus have been found in 62 Indiana counties.
State health officials recommend Hoosiers avoid places where mosquitoes are biting; apply insect repellent containing DEET, picaradin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus to clothes and exposed skin; install or repair screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out of the home; and, when possible, wear pants and long sleeves.
First signs of West Nile virus activity in Indiana have already been confirmed – a full month sooner than last year. Mosquitoes in Orange County have tested positive for the virus, considerably earlier than the first positive mosquitoes found last year in Mid-July. State health officials say it’s not possible to predict the severity of this year’s West Nile virus season, as temperatures and rainfall will have an impact. Last year, the virus was found in mosquitoes in 34 counties.
Starke County Health Nurse Frank Lynch has a number of tips for those looking to avoid mosquitoes.
“Big thing is to just be insect repellant when you’re outdoors, try to avoid mosquito-infested areas around dusk to dawn – that’s when they’re most prevalent, use your repellant, screens on the windows and doors, and any standing water – bird baths, puddles, anything like that – try to keep those cleaned out as best as possible,” said Lynch.