Winamac Town Council to Consider Budget Adoption Tonight

The 2019 Budget, including tax rates and appropriations for next year, will be up for adoption at tonight’s Winamac Town Council meeting.

According to the information available through the Indiana Gateway for Governmental Units, the Town of Winamac submitted a budget estimate of $1,625,712. The General Fund makes up a majority of that, containing $1,088,702. Continue reading

Greenspace Winamac Receives a Few New Members

tr33sDid you know that Winamac has been one of the nation’s ‘Tree City USA’ towns for more than 15 years? It managed to gain that title thanks to the voluntary efforts of the Winamac Tree Committee. The committee itself has been around for approximately 20 years now. For the first time ever, up and coming high school seniors will serve as members of the committee. Continue reading