Caucus Scheduled for Winamac Council Seat

Republican Party Elephant

A caucus has been scheduled to fill the vacancy on the Winamac Town Council. Pulaski County Republican Party Chair Blair Todd says precinct committee members will meet at the Pulaski County Public Library in Winamac on Monday, July 25 at 5:30 p.m. They will be choosing a replacement for former council president Kenneth McFarland, who passed away late last month. Continue reading

Winamac Council Approves Sewer Rate Hike

Winamac Town Hall
Winamac Town Hall

Sewer rates will soon be going up for Winamac residents. The Winamac Town Council gave its final approval to an ordinance Monday, raising the sewer rate by six percent. Eric Walsh with accounting firm Umbaugh and Associates says the increase will allow the town’s Wastewater Department to save about half a million dollars in the long term, by refinancing one of its outstanding bonds.  Continue reading

Winamac Park Board to Consider Funding Agreement for Pool Project

Rendering of rebuilt Winamac pool.
Rendering of rebuilt Winamac pool.

The Winamac Park Board will meet in special session this evening to consider an agreement that would allow the board to take control of the town’s swimming pool rebuilding project. A committee of volunteers has been raising money for the project over the past several months, with the donations going into a fund at the Community Foundation of Pulaski County. Continue reading