The Town of Winamac now owns the triangle lot at the intersection of 13th Street and U.S. 35, having recently purchased the property from the state. Continue reading
Braun Corporation Pledges Funds for Winamac Fireworks
Winamac’s largest employer has stepped up to help make the 2015 4th of July fireworks show at the town park a reality. The Braun Corporation has agreed to match up to $2,500 in donations received by the town for the show.
Winamac Town Council Meeting Tonight
The Winamac Town Council will meet in regular session tonight at 7 p.m. EST. The meeting will take place at the Municipal Utility Complex across from the Plymouth Tube on State Road 14.
Winamac Town Council Terminates Conner
A longtime town of Winamac employee is now looking for work. The town council Monday decided to terminate Town Manager Jim Conner effective immediately. He has been the town manager for the past 15 years. Continue reading
Winamac Town Council Considering a Splash Pad
The Winamac Town Council is considering a new recreational water area to fill the void of the now closed Pulaski County Family YMCA swimming pool. It is an outdoor water play area with fountains and minimal standing water. Continue reading
Winamac Electric Rates to Increase
The Winamac Town Council members held a public hearing recently to discuss an increase in electric rates.
Customers that reside in the city limits will have a new minimum payment of $122.09 based on 1000 kw of use. Those who reside outside the city limits will have a new minimum payment of $127.09 based on 1000 kw of use. This is not average usage, but an example of how rates would increase. The billing will be decided on how many kilowatts are used in the household. The increase is 11.2 percent.
Winamac Town Council Still Weighing Pool Options
The Winamac Town Council is still weighing its options with regard to the community swimming pool at the Pulaski County Family YMCA. Continue reading
Winamac Town Council Approves Formation of Pool Committee
The Winamac Town Council approved the formation of a committee to further investigate funding options to rehabilitate the town pool.
The pool is not open as extensive repairs are needed to make it safe for swimmers.
Town Manager Jim Conner said several people were in attendance at the council’s meeting to discuss the pool.
Construction Schedule Set for Winamac Skate Park
A portion of Rinehart Park near the Pulaski County Family YMCA will soon be transformed into a skate park. Winamac teenager Clark Gudas took the effort on as an Eagle Scout Project. He told the Winamac Town Council he’s signed a contract with Hunger Skate Parks to begin construction by July 5th. Continue reading
Winamac Town Council Approves Sewer Rate Increase
Sewer rates for Winamac Municipal Utilities customers will go up soon. The Winamac Town Council on Monday approved a rate increase to offset what Eric Walsh with accounting firm Umbaugh and Associates says is a significant drop in revenues since 2011.
“Your revenues have decreased somewhere in the neighborhood of $80,000 to $90,000 on an annual basis,” Walsh told the council. A lot of that drop is due to a change in state law that caps the surcharge amount for customers outside the incorporated town limits. They were paying 50-percent more, but the town had to drop that to 15-percent last year to comply with the law. “There’s a portion of it due to some of your larger users just aren’t using as much water, and therefore their sewage bills are going down as well. The lion’s share of it is the reduction that was made via state statute last year,” Walsh explained. Continue reading
Winamac Council Delays Decision on Town Pool
The Winamac Town Council has put off a decision on building a new town swimming pool for at least another month. The necessary repairs to bring the existing pool at the Pulaski County Family YMCA up to code were deemed too expensive for such an old structure. Continue reading
Winamac Town Council, Pulaski County Council to Meet Tonight
Two Pulaski County government agencies will meet tonight.
The Winamac Town Council will meet at 7 p.m. ET in the Municipal Utility Complex. Winamac Fire Chief Bill Weaver will have an update and Chris Smith will have a garbage collection update. Eric Galbreath will have information on the TV Cable and John Julian from Umbaugh and Associates will give the council water and waste water ordinances plus information on the pool.
Restoration Work on Winamac Water Line Project to be Conducted Next Week
The Winamac Town Council learned this week that the company who installed water lines on the north end of town last year will be back next week to finish some work.
Town Manager Jim Conner said the finishing touches should start on Tuesday.
Winamac Town Council Discusses Town Pool
The Winamac Town Council discussed the town pool at length during their regularly scheduled meeting this week.
According to Town Manager Jim Conner, a representative from Reno Sys, a pool rehabilitation company in Indianapolis, discussed plans for the pool. It’s going to be expensive and it’s going to be a large project.
Winamac Town Council to Discuss Pool during Tonight’s Meeting
The Winamac Town Council has a full agenda for their regular meeting tonight.
One of the bigger items the board has discussed as of late is the town pool. The pool will be closed this summer as the maintenance cost to keep the existing pool up and running is too costly. The town is pursuing options to get the pool up and running in 2015.
Longtime Winamac Clerk-Treasurer Elected to Council
A familiar face in Winamac political circles is the newest member of the town council. Longtime Clerk-Treasurer Judy Heater won the Monday, March 10 Republican Caucus to fill a vacant seat on the Winamac Town Council. James DeArmond resigned as the district 2 council member effective Feb. 14. Heater won unanimously on the first ballot. Pulaski Superior Court Judge Patrick Blankenship swore her into office the following day.
New Waste Removal Service in Winamac Discussed at Winamac Town Council Meeting
The Winamac Town Council recently privatized the waste removal and recycling service and that contract began March 1.
The town conducted the service for a number of years and found that the town could have at last $12,000 a year if the service was conducted by an outside firm.
Tippecanoe Beverage Property Preliminarily Declared Economic Revitalization Area
The Winamac Town Council recently took the first step toward pumping some new life into the Tippecanoe Beverage property. In late January, the council approved a preliminary resolution designating the facility as an Economic Revitalization Area, which, according to Town Manager Jim Conner, is a necessary first step in order to grant tax abatements.
Winamac Considering Tax Abatement for New Business
The town of Winamac is considering the possibility of tax abatements for a new business in the town. According to Town Manager Jim Conner, the town council responded favorably to the idea, but a public hearing will need to be held in February before any official decision is made. Conner said Antares is a specialty container manufacturing business, a new business for the city, and this abatement could have positive effects for the town.
Conner also said a local boy scout is working on designs for a possible skate park in the town. He said the youth gave the council an update on the project, and with $27,000 raised toward the project, he hopes to have construction done by July. However, he is still looking into a few more possible grants.
Winamac Town Council Holds First Meeting of New Year
The Winamac Town Council this week performed some appointments necessary for the new year, but according to Town Manager Jim Conner, no big changes were made. He said the yearly appointments for the department heads were made with no changes, and several appointments were made to local boards, the planning commission, zoning board and other boards – also with no major changes.