Candidates File Petitions for School Board Seats

Candidates have filed petitions for open school board seats in Starke County and in Pulaski County.

In Starke County, Thomas M. Browne and Michael L. Lord filed for the California-Washington Township seat on the Knox Community School Board.

Candidates for Knox Community School Board seats in Center 2, Center 3 and Center 4 will be grouped together and voters will vote for three candidates. Those candidates include Kirk Bennett, Autumn Ferch, Wendy McIntire, James (Jim) Mitchell, and Keith Schwandt.

Three candidates filed for two available Oregon-Davis Township School Board At-Large seats including Corey Benjamin Lady, Lee Nagai and Jeremiah Patrick.

In Pulaski County, six candidates filed for three available Monroe Township seats on the Eastern Pulaski School Board. Scott Hanson, Greg Kiser, Jimmy Terry, Waylon Burke, Stephen Rausch, and Monica Potthoff have filed to run for the seats on the November ballot. Taylor White filed for the open Van Buren Township seat on the Eastern Pulaski School Board.

For the West Central School Board, Jacob Tanner filed for the Jefferson Township seat, Darin Gudeman filed for the White Post Township seat, Jonathan Gutwein filed for the Gillam Township seat, and Dennis Gutwein filed for the At-Large seat.