Oregon-Davis School Board Holds Work Session

The Oregon-Davis School Board held a work session Wednesday, July 17 to discuss facility needs.

Additional work on HVAC systems, High School gym floor replacement, resurfacing the track, possible expansion, drainage, and the addition of a softball field were discussed. They will further discuss these projects to include in future capital projects in the coming years and budgeting processes down the line.

A master facility plan was also included in the discussion so future school board members can look at a better blueprint of the school to make additional future plans.

Discussion was held on backup power upgrades at the campus to address power outages which was deemed more of an urgent need in strategic areas, especially the well system. That led to a larger discussion about connecting the corporation to utility infrastructure to the Town of Hamlet. The incorporation of utilities would free up a lot of land to facilitate some additions to the school campus as a lot of it now is taken up with the septic system for the school corporation.

The legal counselor for the school corporation agreed to speak to the Hamlet Town Council members and Town Attorney Cassandra Hine in an upcoming meeting to begin the conversation and gauge the council members’ opinion on the matter. The school board thought that it would be advantageous for the school to hook up to town’s infrastructure. It would also benefit the Hamlet Industrial Park on the east side of town.

The school board did not make any official decisions during the work session and no project was set in stone. Votes to make decisions need to be done in a public regular session meeting. They also talked about taking public comment on a wish list of projects in a future setting.