Paul Begley, Pastor at the Community Gospel Baptist Church in Knox is in the “internet spotlight” this week over his YouTube video concerning the discovery of the dead cows, birds and fish worldwide.
“I tied it to the Bible, Bible Prophecies, the Book of Hosea, Chapter Four verses one, two and three,” explained Begley. “God said, ‘The beast of the field, the fowls of heaven and the fish of the sea would die.'”
A reporter from Time Magazine reportedly watched the video.
“Four hours later, CNN picks up the story from Time and puts it on the front page on CNN’s website and makes it one of the top 10 stories of the day.”
CNN television is said to be planning a one hour special on the subject and Pastor Begley will be the guest religion expert.
“If anybody wants to watch my videos on YouTube, they can go to YouTube, Paul Begley 34.”
WKVI will inform you when the special will air on CNN.