A project that began in 2002 is in the construction phase and should be completed by the summer of 2012. The Koontz Lake Sewer project is making headway and Paul Warnke of the Koontz Lake Regional Sewer District is in to talk to us about it today.
“We started initial construction of the collection system about a month ago and they’re working out there everyday, five days a week, and so far, I’d have to say we’re pretty much on target,” said Warnke.
“We’re building a sewer collection system for about 950 households and businesses. That system comprises of about 90,000 feet of low pressure sewer main and a clean water plant, which will ultimately take the waste and produce a near-drinking quality water effluent which will be discharged into the Robbins Ditch.”
“We’d like to be done last week,” said Warnke on the proposed time line. “We anticipate the completion of the system by mid-year 2012.”
Forty-five percent of the project will be paid for by U.S. Department of Rural Development grants and the other funding source is a federal loan at 3% interest to be paid off in 40 years.