The town of Culver is planning some improvements to their sewer system, including a new IDEM water treatment plant. The Town Council signed the permit for the construction of the plant on March 29, and they expect to have all the paperwork submitted and the project to be ready for bid within the next two weeks.
The Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) has given the town of Culver a grant for the construction of the plant, and expects the entire project to be finished within the next 18 months. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management will review the construction permit, and if they require a change of the plant’s design the council may have to make a change order or take more bids on the project.
OCRA generally frowns on extending grants for projects, but the deadline can be extended if need be. However, OCRA does want all bids to be in by April 30 and the bid is expected to be awarded in May. In order to maintain the required three weeks of bidding time, notifications and other notices for the bid will have to go out by the end of the first week in April.