The Starke County Youth Club Radiothon brought in over $35,000 during its annual fund raising event.
With only minutes to spare, American Oak pushed the dial over the $35,000 goal to support the club’s activities for another year.
Club Executive Director, Irene Szakonyi, talked about the effort after the close of the program.
“It never ceases to warm my heart and amaze me how fantastic this community is,” said Szakonyi. “I wasn’t born here and so I am a bit of an outsider, but I choose to be here, to live here, to make my life here with my family because I think this is the most wonderful community. I love living here. The people in this community inspire me everyday to work harder, to give more and to do more.”
Kelly Manning, a long time club supporter and board member, was choked up when she talked about the outpouring of support.
“Starke County came through again,” said Manning. “This is our fourth year doing the Radiothon and every year Starke County does it. This is a great place to raise a family.”
Board member, George Mammarella, who issued a challenge that raised $4,800, also talked about the effort.
“This was a joint effort. The radio station pitched in which was fantastic. We had the volunteers here, members of the Starke County Youth Club and of course the public and the businesses who donated. It was a joint effort of everybody in the County to help pull this off.”
The Starke County Youth Club would like to thank everyone who helped and donated.