Friday was a busy day for the Starke Circuit Court as Magistrate Jeanene Calabrese set several dates for many of the cases that appeared before her. In one such case, a jury status hearing for Jack Haut, a pre-trial motion and instructions date was set for July 19th at 1:00 p.m. Haut is charged with Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated Causing Death and Reckless Homicide after his pickup truck collided with the motorcycle of Tom White last July, causing White’s death.

In the case of Sheryl Paschen, a bond reduction hearing was held. Paschen requested a reduction in her bond from $50,000 to $1,000, saying that she is unable to afford such a high bond, but $1,000 is within her grasp. Paschen said that she would stay with her parents in Walkerton after posting bail, and emphasized the fact that she has never missed a court date. The state objected to this request, saying that because she has so many prior charges in relation to substance abuse, she has violated probation in the past multiple times, and has been arrested a number of times in her past, the bond is appropriate.
In the end, Magistrate Calabrese did reduce her bond to $750 cash, $250 surety, for a total of $1,000. Upon bail, Paschen is to report to Community Corrections twice a week, and reappear in court for her second pre-trial date of August 4th at 8:00 a.m.
Paschen is charged with Dealing in Methamphetamine, a Class B Felony, along with other charges in relation to an incident that occurred Friday, April 15th, when police found three active methamphetamine labs run by individuals at the Holloway Motel.

Donald Smith, charged with Intimidation, a class D Felony; Dealing Methamphetamine, a Class B Felony; Possession of Precursors with a Firearm, a Class C Felony; and Theft, a Class D Felony, appeared in court for a status hearing with his attorney Richard Ballard. Smith was previously told by the court to go to the Bowen Center for inpatient treatment, but did not do so because the doctor refused to admit him, saying that Smith did not need inpatient treatment. Smith was placed on new medication and then released, but the state’s concern is that he will not take his medication as prescribed because it has happened in the past. If the defense could guarantee that the medication would be taken, the plea agreement submitted would be acceptable.
Smith’s medication will soon be changed from oral medication to a monthly shot that would guarantee that he is taking it. His plea status hearing is set for August 4th at 3:00 p.m. if the plea agreement is not signed. Otherwise, the date for his plea hearing is set for August 18th at 9:00 a.m.

Myrtle Beem also made her appearance in court for a bond status hearing with her attorney Richard Ballard. Beem was accepted into the Community Corrections Home Detention program as a high-risk participant. Her release was approved upon acceptance to the program, and she is to be released to home detention with electronic monitoring. Her status hearing is set for August 3rd at 8:00 a.m.