Five Starke County Republican candidates successful in the November Municipal Election were sworn into office last night. Starke Circuit Court Judge Kim Hall swore in City Court Judge Charles Hasnerl and he said his office will be busy in 2012.
“One of the primary issues that we’re dealing with, along with the City in working with the Council and the Mayor, is the financial issue and trying to come up with resources to cover the costs,” said Hasnerl. “It’s a needed service and we handle a number of cases for the entire county so that’s going to be our primary focus – not just this year, but throughout this term.”
Judge Hasnerl then swore in Dave Kesvormas, newly elected Hamlet Town Board member. He has a few projects lined up for the new year.
“I look forward to getting everything back on track and going again with Sysco and other business to the area, make some improvements to the entrances in town, spruce up the ‘Welcome to Hamlet’ signs and the park as well,” said Kesvormas.
Three North Judson candidates successful in the November Municipal Election were sworn into office last night in Knox City Court. Judge Charles Hasnerl administered the oath to new member Tim Cummins who is looking forward to taking his seat on the North Judson Town Board.
“I’m looking forward to working with the other board members that are there and listening to what the concerns are of the citizens of the town,” stated Cummins. “Up front, I’m sure it’s a little bit of a learning process going from business to a municipal so I’m kind of anxious. I’ve gotten around and talked to some of the town employees and I gave them my history and background of myself and what I’d be looking for just to touch base. I’m kind of looking forward to it.”
Town Board member Wendy Hoppe will serve a second term on the Board and looks forward to the future.
“I’m looking forward to working with council members Tim and Donna Henry and working for the people again,” said Hoppe. “I’m looking for their comments and help and suggestions to help us out to fulfill our wonderful little town.”
Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry was sworn in by Starke Circuit Court Judge Kim Hall and is excited for her fresh start in 2012.
“I’m looking forward to all of the challenges that I know that there’s going to be in the office and learning all of the processes on the computer and that kind of thing, but most of all I’m looking forward to serving the citizens of North Judson as I promised them I would during my campaign.”