Clark Gudas presented his Eagle Scout project proposal to the Winamac Town Board last week.
He gave the Board information on design, location, cost, and fundraising ideas for a skate park in Reinhart Park, or Lion’s Park, which is across the street from the Pulaski County YMCA. He presented pictures and a detailed project outline with different types of equipment that would be constructed in the park. Different versions of the park was presented to the Board. Gudas, who is a Winamac High School student, said the project would cost in the neighborhood of $50,000 and is planning to apply for grants and hold fundraisers to finance the project. He and a five member Advocacy Board will be working together to make his project a reality.
He will present the Board with more information at a future meeting. The Board approved his project with no guarantee of funding from the Town. Gudas is hoping to complete the project in 2014.