Here is a look at some of the news that made the news in the Kankakee Valley this week.
Phillip Mullins and Angela McDougal were arrested Friday, February 3rd, after police executed an arrest warrant for Mullins. They were charged with several drug charges.
The West Central School Board received the tax rate for next year’s budget. The Board reduced the Capital Projects Fund by $80,000 to keep the rate close to last year’s rate.
Drug and Tobacco Free Starke County Coalition Coordinator, Jenny Carter, reportedly admitted to taking over $7,000 in Starke County Tourism funds. The case is under investigation.
A sliver of land will need to be acquired by the Pulaski County Commissioners in order to move forward with the Monterey Bridge project.
Keith Belcher, 20, of North Judson, was only slightly injured after a head-on collision on U.S. 421 in LaPorte County. The accident claimed the life of Michael Kieszkowski, of Valparaiso, who reportedly caused the accident.
Robert Allen and Chelsey Adam of North Judson were arrested Sunday, February 5th, after they reportedly had been drinking and tore up a yard on 750 North in Pulaski County.
The Pulaski County Commissioners were informed this week that the brick and mortar in the bell and clock tower in the Courthouse needs to be repaired. The 800 pound old air raid siren is also causing structural damage.
During their meeting this week, the Starke County Commissioners said that they are anticipating the improvements Rich Callahan will be making this year at the Bass Lake Beach and Campground.
During their recent meeting, the West Central School Board members accepted Middle School Principal Kay Beasey’s retirement request. She had been with the Corporation for 24 years.
The Starke County Commissioners voted down a proposal to consolidate polling places in this year’s May Primary Election.
Eugene Sinn, 57, of Knox, was injured in a single vehicle car accident at 1500 S. 100 W. in LaPorte County Wednesday morning. He is expected to be charged with Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated.
The Starke County Commissioners were informed that methane gas was detected at the old Starke County landfill. It will need to be expelled from the landfill area within 60 days.
The Starke County EMS has been state certified and Advanced Life Service will be in place by March 1st.
And that is just some of the news that made the news in the Kankakee Valley this week.