Don’t forget the Abate Fund Raiser tonight at the Bass Lake Golf Course. It all gets started at 6 p.m. and you’ll be helping the community efforts of a great group. The cost is only $10.00 for food and dancing.
The band Half Track will be performing and Ted Hayes talked yesterday to bass guitarist Terry Young of the band. Terry is also a member of Abate, and talks about what the money from the event will be used for.
“This is a fundraiser for Abate in general, they use this money for their motorcycle education-type things and stuff down state,” said Young.
Ted took the opportunity to ask Terry about the band.
“The band has been doing well, we’re working on getting a new CD out. Hopefully we’ll have it completed by the end of June and looking forward to it, really,” said Young.
This is one of the hardest working bands around. Terry tells how many weekends the band is out.
“We do about 32-35 weekends a year, we kind of cut it back because years in the prior we were doing over 40, so it’s kind of nice,” said Young.
The event is called Fistful of Dollars, and it’s being held tonight at the Bass Lake Golf Course.