April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and last week the Starke County Commissioners signed a proclamation urging all citizens in the county to become aware of this tragic problem and commit themselves to helping a child in need. Presenting the proclamation were CADA members Wendy Elam and Annette Ohman.
This is also the twelfth anniversary of the death of Lilliana Ciprianu, who had been brutally beaten by her stepfather two days earlier. CADA President Ruth Matsey told WKVI that it was the most tragic case she has had to work on.
“When I worked in the ER at Porter County there were some cases as well, but I think here in Starke County this is the one that stuck out the most,” Matsey said.
Matsey encourages everyone to work together to improve the community and stop abuse.
“If you see something that might potentially turn into an abuse situation, try to mentor that person. We’ll be a stronger county, and we’ll have better outcomes for so many things in our life if we can prevent any kind of abuse. And I’m thinking not only of child abuse. I’m thinking of the abuse of elders and significant others, too,” Matsey said.