Knox High School Football Team to Host Relay For Life Dodgeball Tournament

“If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!” That advice will come in handy at the Inaugural Starke County Dodgeball Tournament, hosted by the Knox High School football team. All proceeds from the event will be donated to the Relay for Life Foundation.

Brady Jones of the high school organized the event, and he told WKVI that he chose to benefit the Relay for Life Foundation to give back to the community with the help of the Knox football team.

“I chose the Relay for Life basically because I’ve had some family members that have passed away due to cancer. I’ve also had family members who are survivors, so it’s kinda been something my family has always been a part of, and being able to give that back to the community through an organization such as our Knox football team and passing those life skills and life opportunities to those guys, that’s just priceless. You can’t put a value on that,” said Jones.

Registration for the event will take place on May 12 at 2 p.m. Each team must consist of six people with one alternate, and the cost is $30 per team. Registration will take place at the Knox High School Gymnasium, and will be immediately followed by the tournament which will take place at 3 p.m. To register, turn in the registration sheet, individual waivers, and money before the event at the Knox High School or Middle School offices, or you can turn them in on the day of the event.

Vending machines will be available, and the event is open to all ages. If you have questions, email Brady Jones at