Effective as of noon yesterday, the Starke County Commissioners have reinstated the burn ban due to an increase in fire activity and increasing drought conditions. Campfires, other recreational fires unless enclosed in a fire ring at least 23 inches across and ten inches high, open burning of any kind except grills, and the burning of debris are prohibited. Burning is, however, allowed in burn barrels with a one-quarter inch mesh top from dawn to dusk.
This will be in effect until July 16, when the commissioners and EMA Director Ted Bombagetti will review the conditions and decide whether or not to continue the burn ban.
Starke and Pulaski counties had previously lifted their burn bans on July 2, joining four counties in the state at the time that reported their bans as lifted. While Starke County has reinstated the ban, the Pulaski County Commissioners have not yet made the decision to do so. Their next meeting will take place on Monday, July 16, when they will review the current conditions and decide what course of action to take regarding their burning policy.