The Marshall County Commissioners will revisit discussion today that involves the rezoning of Cargill, Inc. in LaPaz.
At the last commissioners’ meeting, the company requested a property zoning change from T-1 to Heavy Industrial for use as open-pile corn storage. The request also includes seven parcels in a subdivision which have been used in the elevator operation for years but were never rezoned.
Two residents spoke out against the rezoning, stating that thick dust is present in the area generated by the grain operation. One resident spoke in favor of the request saying that the facility is an important asset to local farmers. Brandon Woodward, the manager at Cargill and who lives in the area, understands the problem with the dust and insisted that oil is applied to limit the dust and it is worst in the first 10 days in the fall. The operation cannot be moved and anticipates a major expansion in the next few years.
The board did not act on the request and asked both Woodward and the residents who are opposed to the rezoning to iron out their differences before action will be taken on the request. The commissioners emphasized that Cargill is a valuable resource in Marshall County and it is in their best interest that things get resolved.