In observance of Fire Prevention Week, Knox-Center Township Fire Prevention Officer Shawn Kidder will be educating students on fire dangers and what to do to if a fire occurs.
Kidder will be at the Knox Elementary School today where he will go over the importance of smoke detectors and other important fire prevention tips.
“I actually go through stop, drop and roll and I tell them to get low underneath the smoke to be able to escape a house full of smoke,” explained Kidder. “I also put on my firefighting ensemble to allow the kids to see what an actual firefighter looks like with all of his gear.”
Smokey the Bear will accompany Kidder to the school today in a fire truck. The truck will be shown to the students as well.
Kidder, a seven-year member of the Knox-Center Township Fire Department, urges parents to talk to their children about fire and its dangers.
“Don’t be afraid to talk to your children about it. It’s something that’s very important. Be aware of the danger of fire,” he encouraged.