The Pulaski County Commissioners this week accepted a bid for office supplies for county offices. They were presented with a breakdown of each company’s prices for the products most needed by the county, and the commissioners added up the totals to determine which company would offer the county the best prices on their most-purchased items.
A motion was made to award the bid to DeGroot Technology Services in Winamac, whose products came in at a total of $351.73 – the lowest of the bids presented.
Maintenance Director Morry DeMarco also told the commissioners that he is working on getting equipment installed in the basement of the justice center. He said two dryer boxes needed installed, and a 10-inch hole needs to be drilled in the laundry room to accommodate the equipment. The new dryers, according to DeMarco, should arrive Friday and they need to be installed as soon as possible.
In addition, DeMarco explained that the county may need to look into purchasing a new air conditioning unit for the courthouse. He said the current unit is more than 30 years old and he doesn’t expect it to survive another year. The unit had been disconnected and the freon was pumped out of it to allow them to move the unit, allowing an electrician to bore holes into the walls to run new electric lines for the courthouse. Because of that, DeMarco said now is a good time to purchase a new unit and have it installed.
The commissioners gave DeMarco permission to get quotes on a new AC unit for the courthouse, and he will present the quotes at the next meeting.