Several community Christmas programs are scheduled for this area that features that talent of many local residents.
The Community Choir will present the 15th Annual Christmas Cantata on Sunday, Dec. 9 with two performances at 2 and 6 p.m. CT at the Knox United Methodist Church. The program is “All is Calm, All is Bright,” which is directed by Brian Liechty and Nan Folkers.
The Maxinkuckee Singers will also be performing several shows in the area. “The Maxinkuckee Singers’ Christmas Spectacular,” under the direction of Beth Webster, will feature several standard Christmas favorites and contemporary numbers as well as comedy routines. You never know what to expect during their show! The Singers will perform Dec. 3 at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Rochester, Dec. 6 at the Argos United Methodist Church, Dec. 10 at the Bremen United Methodist Church, Dec. 12 at the First United Church of Christ in Plymouth and Dec. 17 at the Knox United Methodist Church in Knox. All shows begin at 7:30 p.m. ET, or 6:30 p.m. CT for the Knox show.