Prescription Pill Drop Site Established At LaPorte PD

A prescription pill drop site has been placed in the LaPorte City Police Department.

The drop site is available for you to dispose of any unwanted, unused or out-of-date prescription medication. Medication collected will be disposed of properly and kept out of landfills and out of the local water supply.

If you have medications to deposit, make sure the pills are in Ziploc-type plastic bags or in the original prescription containers with the label removed. Liquids and needles will not be accepted. It is recommended that unwanted liquid medication be disposed of by mixing it with kitty litter, sawdust or flour and discarding it in the trash.

You may drop off the unused medication Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:45 p.m. CT at the LaPorte City Police Department. If you need more information, call (219) 362-9446.