Starke County Courthouse custodian James Coad presented the county commissioners with some good news at their meeting this week: all lighting equipment passed the annual inspection by Simplex, a company specializing in active fire protection systems, communication systems and testing, inspection and maintenance services for the courthouse.
Coad explained that all the strobes and other lighting equipment passed their annual inspection, but did have some bad news: the backflow and release valve inspection failed, and those items need replaced. He estimated the cost of replacement to come out to about $1304.33. Fortunately, however, Coad said that money is available in his budget and he can cover the cost.
Commissioner Dan Bridegroom reminded Coad that the sidewalks and steps around the courthouse needs to be addressed. He said the concrete has raised up a bit, causing a tripping hazard, and they need to decide if they want it repaired, removed, or some other option. Commissioner Kathy Norem pointed out that there must have been a problem when the concrete was originally laid, because it should not have risen up like it did.
The commissioners also approved the county’s calendar for 2013. A number of dates were designated as county holidays, including Jan. 1, New Year’s Day; March 29, Good Friday; May 27, Memorial Day; July 4, Independence Day; Sept. 2, Labor Day; Nov. 11, Veteran’s Day; Nov. 28 and 29 for Thanksgiving; and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Dec. 24 and 25.