Donations for the Toy Store in Pulaski County are now being accepted.
The Coordinated Local Assistance Project (CLASP) coordinated by Pulaski County Human Services is asking for new toy donation for the Toy Store which will be open on Dec. 15. The deadline by which to donate toys is Dec. 14.
This is the 16th year for this community effort supported by CLASP, and last year, 370 families received food, clothes or toys thanks to the giving spirit of the community.
If you wish to donate toys or children’s books for those who need assistance, please call (574) 946-6501. Call that same number if you would like to volunteer or sign up to receive toys.
Food items are also needed for this effort. Stuffing mix, mashed potato mix, canned fruits and vegetables and rolls are needed to provide a holiday dinner bag for those in need.
Take all donations to the Pulaski County Human Services building at 115 W. Pearl St. in Winamac.