The town of Culver is slowly but surely making headway on their comprehensive plan project. Town Manager David Schoeff explained the board is taking their time because of the plan’s importance to the community, and they’ve been trying to spread the word to get Culver residents involved in the process.
Schoeff explained that the comprehensive plan is neither a town document nor a plan document; rather, he said, it’s a community document – a guidebook on where the community would like the town to ultimately end up, or what it will become.
Schoeff said that board has been narrowing down the list of potential planning firms to handle the drafting of the plan, and the board will soon conduct interviews with a number of planning firms, hopefully, around the first of the year.
Schoeff said the board is hopeful they will be able to go to the Plan Commission with a recommendation on which firm to hire in order to start that process. So far, the board has taken Statements of Qualifications and proposals from a variety of companies and reviewed the statements. The board formed a Selection Committee to help with choosing a planning firm, and he hopes they’ll soon be able to make their recommendation to the Plan Commission.
After that, Schoeff said it’s just a matter of getting negotiations underway to draft a contract so work can begin, hopefully, in February or March.