The town of North Judson is working on a number of projects, but Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry said they have just wrapped up the leaf pickup for the town. She said the crew made several sweeps of the town in November to make sure they picked up all loose leaves, and now they’re moving on to other items.
Henry explained the town is now working on fire contracts as they currently have bi-annual agreements with two other townships for fire run coverage. She said the fire department has an annual agreement with Wayne Township to send firetrucks out in response to calls, and they also have contracts with Jackson Township in Starke County and Rich Grove Township in Pulaski County.
She went on to say the fire department performed 83 runs in Wayne Township thus far this year. Rich Grove and Jackson townships had significantly fewer runs: fifteen runs were made in Rich Grove Township, and 14 in Jackson Township.
Town Manager Marshal Horstmann reported to the board that an inspector from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management stopped by the town on Monday to check out the wastewater plant, and left on a positive note as no violations were reported. Horstmann said the inspector noted the plant appears to be in good shape.